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You are here: Home / Collections Rules / Reglement van de collecties NL / 17. Kwaliteitsdocumenten ISO9001 - EMAS - Safety / ISO9001 / 07-Safety / Registraties / 5100 Prestatiemeting en monitoring, systeem indicatoren BSC

5100 Prestatiemeting en monitoring, systeem indicatoren BSC


PDF document icon rapport_2015_29.pdf — PDF document, 247 KB (253480 bytes)

Kpi safety.pdf

PDF document icon kpi-safety.pdf — PDF document, 26 KB (26691 bytes)

Frequentie AO.pdf

PDF document icon frequentie-ao.pdf — PDF document, 15 KB (15802 bytes)

Fg 2017.pdf

PDF document icon fg-2017.pdf — PDF document, 30 KB (31284 bytes)

FG AO.pdf

PDF document icon fg-ao.pdf — PDF document, 28 KB (29416 bytes)

F 2017.pdf

PDF document icon f-2017.pdf — PDF document, 15 KB (16313 bytes)

Ernst AO.pdf

PDF document icon ernst-ao.pdf — PDF document, 21 KB (21738 bytes)

Eg AO.pdf

PDF document icon eg-ao.pdf — PDF document, 31 KB (31781 bytes)

Eg 2017.pdf

PDF document icon eg-2017.pdf — PDF document, 31 KB (31945 bytes)

E 2017.pdf

PDF document icon e-2017.pdf — PDF document, 21 KB (22203 bytes)

Absenteisme 2009 2015.pdf

PDF document icon absenteisme-2009-2015.pdf — PDF document, 49 KB (50223 bytes)

5101 Ziekteverzuim 2016.xlsx

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet icon 5101-ziekteverzuim-2016.xlsx — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, 17 KB (17707 bytes)

5101 FG AO.jpg

5101 FG AO.jpg
Full-size image: 170 KB | View image View Download image Download

5101 Ernst AO.jpg

5101 Ernst AO.jpg
Full-size image: 189 KB | View image View Download image Download

5101 Eg AO.jpg

5101 Eg AO.jpg
Full-size image: 182 KB | View image View Download image Download

2015 frequentiegraad.pdf

PDF document icon 2015-frequentiegraad.pdf — PDF document, 27 KB (28567 bytes)

2015 frequentie.pdf

PDF document icon 2015-frequentie.pdf — PDF document, 15 KB (15448 bytes)

2015 ernstgraad.pdf

PDF document icon 2015-ernstgraad.pdf — PDF document, 29 KB (30593 bytes)

2015 ernst.pdf

PDF document icon 2015-ernst.pdf — PDF document, 20 KB (21313 bytes)

  Scientific heritage
Patrick Semal
(Head conservator)
+32 (0)2 627 43 80





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