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Appendix 1 – Imports info button i

Help on available State

To be loaded : This file is ready to be loaded, an automatic task will be activated to load lines.

Loaded : Your file has been loaded, but still need to be checked

Checking : Your file has been loaded and is being checked

Pending : Your file has been loaded and checked, you can edit line in errors or import corrects lines

Processing : Your 'Ok' lines are beeing imported in DaRWIN

Finished : This file has been completely imported in DaRWIN

Aborted : This file has been aborted. This line will remain for a limited time in the summary list just for information purposes only.

Error : Errors appeared during import, you can either check these errors with the error icon, and you can continue the import process or you can delete the entry and re-import your corrected file

Being processed : The file is actually being loaded in database


Help on available button

image : This button (only visible when your file is on Pending state) will allow you to edit or remove data
: This button will cancel the importing of the file, your file will have the Aborted state, it will allow you to keep a trace of this import, even if the data is not imported

: This will delete this line. Already imported lines will remain in the database. All other lines will be deleted without a trace.
: This button will show you all errors that occurred during import, it's your choice to decide whether to continue the import process or to delete your import, correct the file and re-import it