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ES-MNCN-CISC Passport Collections

Identification and description
  • The scientific collections of the MNCN comprise the most important natural history resource in the CSIC and in Spain, and represent a unique heritage value that dates back to times before the 18th century, when collections started to follow scientific criteria.
    • The Palaeontology section includes collections on Paleobotany, Fossil invertebrates, and Paleovertebrates. 
    • Our Zoology collection of vertebrates and invertebrates focuses mostly on the former, with larger collections of Entomology, Antropoda, and Mollusca.
    • We also hold collections on Prehistory and tissues and DNA.
No file
Tissue Bank, DNA Bank
Collections statistics
EARTH SCIENCES (Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
1.1 Palaeontology 534 1402000    
1.1.1 Paleobotany 23 [22,000] 95 60
1.1.2 Fossil invertebrates 401 [1,000,000] 95 90
1.1.3 Paleovertebrates 110 [380,000] 95 50
1.2 Geology   36500 99 91
1.3 Prehistory   23000 95 95
LIFE SCIENCES (Zoology, Biology, Botany, Mycology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
2.1 Zoology >18,000 6936000    
2.1.1 Invertebrates [17,953] [6,484,000] Entomology 16,379 [4,000,000] 95 80 Arthopoda (other) 340 [260,000] 60 60 Mollusca 845 [2,000,000] 100 62 Other Invertebrates 389 [224,000] 50 50
2.1.2 Vertebrates >200 [452,000] 90 88
2.2 Tissues and DNA 26 160,000 100 44.20
Heritage Science


The library includes numerous titles of different periodical journals; of them around 437 are open collections, which are received nowadays. There are the bulletins, annals and memoirs of the great institutions of Spain, Europe and America dedicated to Natural History, mostly from their earliest numbers. Our warehouses include the first magazine in the Western world, the famous "Journal des savants" which began its edition in 1665. 

  1. Books: 51.860
  2. Journals: 4.303
  3. Maps: 3.757

More info (Spanish only): Biblioteca


Historical Archive:

The historical archive preserves the written memory of a museum and scientific institution like the MNCN with 240 years of antiquity. There are documentary antecedents prior to its official foundation in 1771, as Royal Cabinet of Natural History. The informative value of its documents is remarkable interesting for the history and development of Natural Sciences in Spain, not only in the field of Zoology, Paleontology, Geology or Mineralogy, but also in other areas that historically were attached to what was known as "Natural History", e.g. archeology, ethnography, anthropology, etc. In fact, the former Royal Cabinet of Natural History will be the first to accumulate collections of these characteristics, a part of which became later the origin of the new museums created during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including: the Archaeological National Museum, the Museum of Anthropology and the Museum of America.

  1. Textual: 6.138
  2. Special fund (drawings, engravings): 11.000
  3. Photographs: 22.000

More info (Spanish only): Archivo historico


Fonoteca Zoologica.  Fonoteca Zoologica is a scientific collection of animal sounds. It was created in 2002 with the aim of supporting the study of acoustic communication in animals. The collection includes more than 45,000 sound recordings belonging to more than 12,000 different species (Mammalia, Birds, Amphibia, Reptilia, Fish, Insecta), which make Fonoteca Zoologica a valuable tool in animal behaviour, Ecology, Systematics and Conservation studies. This scientific collection is available in, where it is divided into two sections: FZ Sound Collection and Published Collection. Published collection includes a great number of commercial sound animal guides published all over the world, while FZ Sound Collection consists on scientific original recordings, from the museum staff and other collaborators.

Media Library. The Media Library is a scientific collection of audio-visuals. It is in charge of storing, documenting and managing the audio-visual archive of the Museum and the resources of CIENCIATK that is an audio-visual platform of the CSIC. The collection, in constant growth, includes more than 4,200 audio-visuals of scientific and technical content. More info (Spanish only): Mediateca




  1. Fine Arts: 142 (paintings, sculptures, object of Art)
  2. Scientific Instruments: 154 (from before 1930)

More info (Spanish only):





