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ES-MNCN-CISC Passport Taxonomic Expertise

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The MNCN is the Spanish leader in Systematics and Taxonomy with the capacity to coordinate institutional projects such as Fauna Ibérica (
Integrative Taxonomy, molecular and morphological, essential for the description of biological diversity, is carried out in the MNCN. Currently, MNCN is national benchmark of molecular identifications.
The taxonomic expertise is actively carried out in zoological groups (Zoology, Palaeontology), with especial interest in:
- extant invertebrate fauna: entomology (Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera), Crustacea, Tardigrada, Mollusca and Platyhelminthes (terrestrial, freshwater and marine), and Nematoda.
- extant vertebrata: fishes (Ichtyology), amphibians and reptiles (Herpetology).
- extinct vertebrata: mammals (Quaternary, Neogene, Paleogene), amphibians and reptiles.
Other MNCN expertise: Anthropology, Geology, Mineralogy, Meteorites
Taxonomic identifications through animal sounds (Bioacoustic expertise) are done.
Regarding other taxonomic expertise, the MNCN is able to facilitate contact with other Spanish taxonomists.



