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ES-MNCN-CISC Passport Education and Training


The teaching and training activities carried out by the research and technical staff of the MNCN, in collaboration with national and international Universities, are continuous, very wide and at different curricular levels, since it covers topics associated with all MNCN research lines, with the curation and management of natural history collections, and with the dissemination area.

The MNCN takes fully active part in the Higher Education third cycle by means of direction of Doctoral Thesis; and in the first and second cycles by means of direction of Final Projects to obtain Grade's and Master's Degrees. During the last ten years, Doctoral Thesis and Final Projects have been directed by MNCN researchers in collaboration with the following universities:

International Doctoral Thesis: Argentina (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco); Brasil (Universidade Federal de Goiás, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro); China (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Denmark (University of Copenhagen); France (Université de Toulouse; Université Pierre et Marie Curie); Mexico (Universidad Autónoma de Mexico); Portugal (Universidade de Évora, Universdade de Lisboa, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Universidade do Porto); Sweden (Uppsala University); Tunis (Université de Tunis El Manar).

National Doctoral Thesis:Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Universitat d'Alacant; Universidad de Barcelona; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Universidad de Córdoba; Universidad de Granada; Universidad de Murcia; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Universidad de Salamanca; Universidad de Sevilla; Universidad de Valencia; Universidad de Vigo; Universidad de Zaragoza; Universidad del País Vasco; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

International Final Projects: Ecuador- Spain (Universidad Central de Ecuador-Universidad Internacional Menéndez-Pelayo); Portugal (Universidade de Coimbra).

National Final Projects: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad de Alcalá de Henares; Universidad de Cádiz; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Universidad de Córdoba; Universidad de Salamanca; Universidad de Valencia; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; Universidad Internacional Menéndez-Pelayo; Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Universidad Rovira i Virgili.

On the other hand, the MNCN staff collaborates in doctoral and specialized courses, directed to postgraduates. Courses included in grade's and master's degrees are taught. Curricular and extracurricular practices are organized by the scientific and technical staff of the MNCN, under the different agreements established by the CSIC with the universities of Madrid. Through agreements between CSIC and Spanish Universities, ad hoc courses are organized as well, depending on the specific requests. During the last ten years researchers and technical staff have been invited to participate in numerous courses, one or more years, by the following universities:

-Internacional Doctoral Courses: Mexico (Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala; Universidad Autónoma de Mexico); Brasil (Universidade Federal de Goiás); Portugal (Universdade de Lisboa); Denmark (Universidad de Conpenhague); Spain (Universidad Rovira i Virgili); Switzerland (University of Neuchatel).

-National Doctoral Courses: Universidad de Alcalá; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad  Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo; Universidad de Granada; Universitat de Lleida; Universidad de Salamanca; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Universidad de Zaragoza; Universidad Rovira i Virgili.

-International Specialized Courses: Chile (Universidad de Concepcion); Portugal (Universidade de Évora); Spain (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía).

-National Specialized Courses: Universidad  de A Coruña; Universidad del Mar; Universidad de Murcia; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad de Barcelona; Universidad  Complutense de Madrid; Universidad  de Alcalá; Universitat d'Alacant; Universidad  de Almería; Universidad de Granada; Universidad  de Oviedo; Universidad  de Valladolid.

-International Grade's Degree: Gran Bretaña (Aberystwyth University); México (Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala); Spain (IE University).

-National Grade's Degree: Universidad de Alcalá; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Universidad Francisco de Vitoria; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Universidad de Córdoba; Universidad de Granada; Universidad de Salamanca.

-International Master's Degree: Brasil (Universidade Estadual Paulista); Ecuador (Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica y Universidad Central del Ecuador); Polonia (University of Lodz); Spain (Universidad de Alcalá; Universidad de Jaén; Universidad Internacional de Andalucía; Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo; Universidad Rovira i Virgili and Universitat d'Alacant).

-National Master's Degree: Universidad de Alcalá; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad  Complutense de Madrid; Universidad de Córdoba; Universidad de Granada; Universidad  Rey Juan Carlos; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Universitat de Valencia; Universidad de Zaragoza; Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo; Universidad  Nacional de Educación a distancia; Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Universidad Rovira i Virgili.

-Ad hoc courses: Universidad Autónoma de Mexico; Universidad de Alcalá;Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad de Guadalajara, Universidad de Cantabria.

-Curricular and extracurricular training: Universidad de Alcalá; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Graduate and undergraduate Spanish students are currently developing practical skills in collection management and digitization.


In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Xunta de Galicia, Curators and Collections Managers have organized courses of curation and management of Natural History Collections to teachers of High Schools, all over Spain, with ancient Natural History Cabinets.

In collaboration with the Autonomous Community of Madrid: FINNOVA Program (Counseling of Employment, Woman and Immigration) and curricular practices in VET level (Counseling of Education)




During the last ten years, 79 researchers have directed 163 PhD Thesis and 106 final projects (Master's and Grade's Degree). On the other hand, 149 researchers and technical staff have been involved in more than other 300 education and training activities, not including exhibitions and public programs.

Regarding non-formal education, MNCN scientific and technical staff has organized training courses at different levels, from undergraduate and postgraduate level to the general public interested in biology and environment, in collaboration as well with the following institutions (last ten years):

  • Aula Científica; Spain
  • Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica; Spain
  • Asociación de Químicos de Madrid. Sección Técnica de Medio Ambiente; Spain
  • CONACYT; México
  • Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos del CEDEX; Spain
  • Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas; México
  • Centro Territorial de Innovación y Formación de Madrid-Sur; Spain
  • Centro de Formación del Profesorado (Delegación Madrid-Sur); Spain
  • Centro de Investigación Principe Felipe; Spain
  • Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas; Spain
  • Centro Regional de Innovación y Formación (CRIF) "Las Acacias"; Spain
  • Comité Polar Español; Spain
  • Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Castilla y León; Spain
  • Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León; Spain
  • CPD CIENCIA; Spain
  • Deutches Museum; Deutschland
  • Estación de Fitopatolóxica do Areeiro; Spain
  • European projects EDIT, DEST, SYNTHESYS, etc.; European Union
  • Fundación Josep Gibert; Spain
  • Fundación de Investigación Biomédica Hospital de la Princesa; Spain
  • Grupo de Estudio dos Animais Salvaxes; Spain
  • Grupo ALETHEIA; Spain
  • Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario; Spain
  • Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME); Spain
  • Instituto andaluz del patrimonio histórico; Spain
  • Intendencia de Artigas y Prefeitura de Quarai; Uruguay
  • Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil
  • Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria; Spain
  • Quelonia-Faunia; Spain
  • Sociedad Española de Ornitología SEO/BirdLife; Spain
  • Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva; Spain
  • Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (MINECO); Spain
  • Yale-NUS College; Singapore


Few centers in Spain are so good prepared, given the diversity of interrelated subjects it covers. Through the Biodiversity, Evolutionary Biology, Paleobiology and Geology Departments, the scientific collections, the scientific-technical labs, the Fauna Iberica Office, and the GBIF Node, the MNCN is the national reference center in all expertise knowledge related to the identification of specimens, taxonomy, nomenclature, systematic, and databases on animal and geological diversity, and its conservation. The Collections Department offers the possibility of training in both, curation and management, with a wide spectrum of possibilities.


The Evolutionary Ecology Department takes a multidisciplinary approach integrating experimental techniques that is unique in the context of the CSIC. For this reason, the MNCN is a national and international reference in some aspects of Animal Ecology and Conservation. In this sense, stand out the immunological techniques, molecular analysis of parasites, hormonal manipulation, chemical ecology and reproductive ecology analyses. The investigations in biological conservation carried out in this department have allowed developing strategies for the management and protection of endangered species and their habitats in Spain and other parts of the world, that are a model with international reach.


The experience in reproductive biotechnologies have lead the MAPAMA to recognize the MNCN as the headquarters of the Germplasm Bank (BanGES) that keeps samples of endangered species such as the Iberian lynx. The MNCN is promoting the creation of a National Network of Natural History Collections in Spain spreading good practices in collections' and management including interoperable databases


  • Is your Institution involved in any Training Project? With other partners? (Please identify the project(s) and the link(s) to the specific website(s)

At the moment, MNCN are involved in two Master's Degree, organized by CSIC-Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo:

-Global Change: Cambio Global

-Biodiversity in Tropical Areas and its Conservation: Biodiversidad en Áreas Tropicales y su Conservación 

The Public Programs Department assumes the relationship between Museum and School and establishes a bridge connecting non-formal education with official programs. The Museum's educational program aims to stimulate the group visit through an active methodology based on learning by discovery, with a varied range of activities in which it is intended to show the work of scientists and the collections staff. During the school year, the Museum offers an extensive program of educational activities such as guided tours, workshops and stories adapted to different levels of education. There is also the possibility of doing some of our best activities, spending the night in the Museum with the students, participating in a Congress for schoolchildren (introducing to research activities) or to become 'scientists' and to carry out the different phases of a real research projectin The Museum Investigates. Open Fab Lab.

More info:

Workshops: Talleres

Special Workshop: Look and touch to understand: 3D technology at the Virtual Morphology Lab. Mirar y tocar para comprender: Tecnologías 3D del Laboratorio de Morfología Virtual

Stories: Cuentos

Guided tours: Visitas guiadas 

Night in the Museum: La noche en el Museo

Congress (partner: Foundation “La Caixa”): Congreso de escolares 20102012, 2013, 2016

The Museum Investigates. Open Fab Lab: El Museo Investiga. Open Fab Lab.



Barluenga Badiola
Deputy Director for Research
+34 914111328 – Ext. 1167


