This page is the entry point of the specialisation plan of the CETAF and DiSSCo members.
It allows to complete surveys about
The purpose of the forms is for CETAF and/or DiSSCo members to provide data on their institution’s and to prepare data for publication to the CETAF Registry Collections Platform and from there be aggregated by the DiSSCo RI and other Platforms. More specifically, the data will feed key DiSSCo serves and tools such a CETAF website. The survey is based on a classification scheme that has been developed to allow Natural Science Collections (NSCs) to be described in a standardised way thus increasing data mobilisation and usability. The provision of this data to these tools and services will improve the discoverability of European NSCs, and facilitate decision making for different stakeholders on a governmental, institutional and research level. The surveys uses google forms and mixes classical forms and spreadsheets data. It requires a valid google account to upload the spreadsheets and extra files. You can use your personal account or create a new one for this purpose. Forms require also a valid contact e-mail address for modifying your data in the future and receive pre-filled forms for regular update. When you will submit a form, you will receive an e-mail from "forms-receipts-noreply@google.com". This e-mail contains a link to update your form. Please forward this e-mail to the address indicated in the form, we will use it to prepare a pre-filled form next time.
Thank you for your participation. |
ENTER to the specialisation tool