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biblio nw 16000 - 16999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 995 references in this bibliography folder.

Houthuys, R (2010).
Een geologische beschrijving van Halle, vol. p. 15 p.

Laenen, B and Van Tongeren, P (2010).
Enhanced Landfill Mining and CO2 Storage in Unmineable Coal Seams - Assessing the Feasibility for the Campine Basin (Northern Belgium). In: 1st Int. Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining,Houthalen-Helchteren,4-6/10/2010
Int. Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, vol. p. 13 p.

Sevenants, W, Devroe, A, Langohr, R, Hish-Mikkelsen, J, and Vannieuwenhuyze, B (2010).
Archeologische evaluatie en waardering van de site Keizersberg (Leuven,provincie Vlaams-Brabant). Deel 1: Tekst. (opdrachtgever Vlaamse Overheid,Agentschap Ruimte en Erfgoed)
TRIHARCH Onderzoek en Advies, vol. Rapport 2010-7 p. 210 p.

specified, Nn (2010).
Mineral resources in Flanders. The Flemish policy
MVG EWBL ANRE / LNE ALBON, vol. D/2010/3241/325 p. 20 p.

specified, Nn (2010).
Inventarisatie van de inzet van uitgegraven bodem ter vervanging van primaire oppervlaktedelfstoffen. ACTUALISATIE (Studie in opdracht van Dienst Natuurlijke Rijkdommen)
Grondbank vzw,Erkende Bodembeheerorganisatie, vol. p. 22 p.

Tourneur, F (2010).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. Les pierres asiatiques à problème… encore !
Architrave, vol. 165 p. 50.

Tourneur, F (2010).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. Ecologie,encore et toujours !…
Architrave, vol. 167 p. 66.

Van Noten, K and Sintubin, M (2010).
Linear to non-linear relationship between vein spacing and layer thickness in centimetre- to decimetre-scale siliciclastic multilayers from the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium,Germany)
Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 32 p. 377-391.

Van Viersen, AP and Prescher, H (2010).
Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of some proetid trilobites in the Middle Devonian of the Ardennes and Eifel (Rhenohercynian Zone).
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Sciences de la Terre, vol. 80 p. 5-45.

Bougard, G and Masset, R (2009).
Captages et eaux potables du bassin du Viroin. In: Thys,G. & Michel,G. Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassin du Viroin.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 50-53.

De Clercq, H and Dusar, M (2009).
Bertem,St-Pieterskerk. Deel I. Vocht- en zoutdosering binnenmuren. Natuursteenidentificatie
KIKIRPA,Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium - Institut royal pour le Patrimoine d'Art, vol. D 2008.09950 p. 13 p.

De Koninck, R (2009).
Geological suitability mapping of Pleistocene fluvio-estuarine deposits. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009
European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proceedings Vol II p. 130-133.

De Smet, L, Bogaert, S, Vandenbroucke, D, Annick, VH, and De Coster, K (2009).
Onderzoek duurzame bevoorrading: gebruik lokale oppervlaktedelfstoffen of import van minerale grondstoffen (Dienst Natuurlijke Rijkdommen)
Arcadis, vol. 07/12996/RD p. 157 p. + lit.

De Vos, W and Declercq, P (2009).
Geological interpretation of the airborne gamma ray spectrometry maps of Belgium. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009
European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proceedings Vol I p. 305-306.

Declercq, P, Goemaere, E, and Vanderschueren, W (2009).
Uranium and Thorium cartography in the south of the Stavelot-Venn Massif (Belgium): a GIS case study. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009
European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proceedings Vol I p. 299-300.

Depasse, J, Lavend'homme, S, and Didier (2009).
Intérêt et potentiel spéléologiques du basin du Viroin. In: Thys,G. & Michel,G. Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassin du Viroin.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 37-43.

Didonna, F (2009).
Eaux souterraines et aquifères karstiques. In: Thys,G. & Michel,G. Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassin du Viroin.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 33-36.

Dusar, M (2009).
Nota over het natuursteengebruik in de ommuring van de Keizersberg
Belgische Geologische Dienst, vol. p. 7 p.

Dusar, M and De Clercq, H (2009).
Brussel,Kleine Zavel. Identificatie natuursteen
KIKIRPA,Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium - Institut royal pour le Patrimoine d'Art, vol. DI 2008.09877 p. 23-27.

Fourneau, R (2009).
Géomorphologie du bassin du Viroin. In: Thys,G. & Michel,G. Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassin du Viroin.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 18-26.

Garnier, E and Michel, G (2009).
Carrières calcaires et grottes touristiques. In: Thys,G. & Michel,G. Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassin du Viroin.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 73-80.

Goemaere, E, Declercq, P, and Vanderschueren, W (2009).
Radon in rocks,water,air and underground quarries of slate and coticule in the south part of the Caledonian Stavelot Massif,Vielsalm area,Belgium. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009
European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proceedings Vol II p. 93-94.

Hallet, V and Nogarède, P (2009).
Gestion quantitative et qualitative des eaux souterraines. In: Thys,G. & Michel,G. Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassin du Viroin.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 54-60.

Hottinger, L (2009).
The Paleocene and earliest Eocene foraminiferal Family Miscellaneidae: neither nummulitids nor rotaliids
Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, vol. 2009/06 CG2009\_A06 p. 41 p.

Janssen, K, Kuczerawy, A, and Dumortier, J (2009).
OneGeology-Europe: legal aspects of making geological data available. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009
European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proceedings Vol I p. 248-250.

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