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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Radon in rocks,water,air and underground quarries of slate and coticule in the south part of the Caledonian Stavelot Massif,Vielsalm area,Belgium. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009

Eric Goemaere, Pierre-Yves Declercq, and Willy Vanderschueren (2009)

Radon in rocks,water,air and underground quarries of slate and coticule in the south part of the Caledonian Stavelot Massif,Vielsalm area,Belgium. In 6th EUREGEO,Munich,June 9-12 2009

European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proceedings Vol II p. 93-94.

16424, 170, 171, Lg, Lx, CALSTAV, ORD, HAZ, STOCKRAD

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