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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Linear to non-linear relationship between vein spacing and layer thickness in centimetre- to decimetre-scale siliciclastic multilayers from the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium,Germany)

Koen Van Noten and Manuel Sintubin (2010)

Linear to non-linear relationship between vein spacing and layer thickness in centimetre- to decimetre-scale siliciclastic multilayers from the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium,Germany)

Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 32 p. 377-391.

16770, 228, 204, 205, 197, 208, Lx, ANTARD, SYNEIF, DEVINF, S, TEC, PETSE, MICROSC

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