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Guide for authors



1. Original papers only are accepted. These will be reviewed by at least two referees. The articles can be written in French, Dutch, English (UK), German, Spanish and Italian. The article should be preceded by a summary in two languages, among which that in which the article itself was written. Texts (PC) should be submitted without lay-out and preferably in .rtf format.

2. Manuscripts, inclulding the illustrations, should be send by e-mail to the general secretary of the association:, or to the editors: and

3. Illustrations

-Figures should not be placed in the submitted text. References to figures in the text are displayed as (fig. n), (fig. n,m), (table n), (pl. n,m). The figures should be submitted in PostScript format (preferably .eps), in .pdf or .svg formats, Adobe or Affinity package for vectorised drawings, in .xls, .xlsx, .odt format for tables and calculations.

-In al other cases, the drawings need to be scanned (resolution of min. 400 dpi) and submitted as non-compressed TIFF files (.tif) or uncompressed lossless JPEG (.jpg) format.

-Dimensions: Portrait: 17 cm x 24 cm, max. height depending upon the size of the caption; Landscape: 24 cm x 15 cm; on the width of a single text column: not wider than 8 cm.

4. Captions on a seperate page, at the end of the text file: Fig. + nummer – caption text.

5. Tables preferably in seperate files in .rtf, .xls/.xlsx, or .odt format.

6. Literature references

1) In the text following the Harvard reference system: name author(s), year and if needed page(s). Example: (Tillier, 1983) or (Tillier, 1983: 52) or (Boné et al., 1983).

2) The full literature list is placed at the end of the text with author names in normal script.

- Journal articles:

Author surname followed by initials of first name(s), publication year + a, b, c… in the case of more than one referred publication from the same year. Full title of the publication. Title of the journal in extenso or abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals or Abkurzungen Zeitschrift of the DAI, volume number in arabic numbers (number of fascicle): first-last page of the article.

Example: Canet H. & Roudil J.-L., 1978. Le village chalcolithique de Cambous à Viols-en-Laval (Hérault). I : Étude préliminaire. Gallia Préhistoire. Fouilles et Monuments archéologiques en France métropolitaine, 21 (1) : 143-181.

- Articles in collective works, in conference proceedings or in books:

As for journal articles, followed by In: editor(s), book reference.

Example: Bostyn F., Andrem F., Lanchon Y., Martial E. & Praud L., 1997. Un nouveau site d’habitat du Groupe de Villeneuve-Saint-Germain à Poses «Sur la Mare» (Eure). In: C. Jeunesse (ed.), Le Néolithique danubien et ses marges entre Rhin et Seine. Actes du 22e colloque interrégional sur le Néolithique, Strasbourg, 1995. Cahiers de l’Association pour la Promotion de la Recherche Archéologique en Alsace, supplément, 3. Strasbourg : 447-466.

Knörzer K.-H., 1977. Pflanzliche Grossreste des bandkeramischen Siedlungsplatzes Langweiler 9. In : R. Kuper, H. Löhr, J. Lüning, P. Stehli & A. Zimmermann (ed.), Der bandkeramische Siedlungsplatz Langweiler 9, Gemeinde Aldenhoven, Kreis Düren. Beiträge zur neolithischen Besiedlung der Aldenhovener Flatte, II, Rheinische Ausgrabungen, 18. Bonn: 279-303 and 418-432.

- Books:

Author name followed by initials of name(s), publication year. Title. collection, number. Publication location, editor (edition), number of volumes, number of pages.

Example: Siegel S., 1956. Nonparametric Statistics for Behavioral Sciences. London, McGraw-Hill, 312 p.

7. Author address

Postal address and electronic address at the end of the article, after the literature list.

8. Correction of proofs

Proofs (sent to the author in .pdf format) need to be corrected using the ‘notes’ and ‘track marks’ in the .pdf document. If the requested deadlines are not respected, they will only be corrected by the editorial board.

9. Reprints and on-line access

The author or first author will receive one volume of the journal and a .pdf version of his/her article. The latter is freely access with the link:



Note: We generally use the F. H. Collins, Authors’ and Printers’ Dictionary. A guide for authors, editors, printers correctors of the press compositors and typists, London, Oxford University Press, 1962.







Royal Belgian Society of anthropology and Prehistory

Vautier street, 29, 1000 Brussel - Belgium