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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

De Cleene, M (1995).
Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Interactive physical weathering and bioreceptivity study on building stones,monitored by Computerized X-Ray Tomography (CT) as a potential non-destructive research tool
European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 286 p6/05/2008.

De Schrijver, P, Maertens, J, Lievens, G, De Geyter, G, and De Vos, W (1995).
NMBS,railway tunnel,Halle,Belgium. Proceedings of the XI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Copenhagen 28 May - 1 June 1995
Dansk Geoteknisk Forening Bulletin, vol. 11 p. 8.33-8.38.

Deconink, J (1995).
Microfossiles à paroi organique du Bartonien,Priabonien et Rupélien inférieur dans le sondage de Kallo; espèces significatives dans les sondages de Woensdrecht,Kallo et Mol.
Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, vol. 53 p. 65-105.

Demoulin, A (1995).
Les surfaces d'érosion méso-cénozoïques en Ardenne-Eifel
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, vol. 166 p. 573-585.

Demoulin, A, Pissart, A, and Zippelt, K (1995).
Neotectonic activity in and around the southwestern Rhenish shield (West Germany): Indications of a levelling comparison
Tectonophysics, vol. 249 p. 203-216.

Descheemaeker, P and Swings, J (1995).
Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. The role of heterotrophic bacteria in the degradation of stones
European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 123-139.

Descheemaeker, P and Swings, J (1995).
The application of fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME) for the identification of heterotrophic bacteria present in decaying Lede-stone of the St. Bavo Cathedral in Ghent
The Science of the Total Environment,Elsevier, vol. 167 p. 241-247.

Dreesen, R and Dingelstadt, C (1995).
Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Petrographical characteristics of building materials selected for CT-scanning
European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 199-206.

Dusar, M (1995).
Formation of sinkholes in the region of Tournai. Brogne Abbey, Saint-Gerard (province of Namur,Belgium),5th and 6th May 1995
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Fermont, WJJ (1995).
Recent developments in the application of colour image analysis in geological research. Brogne Abbey,Saint-Gerard (province of Namur,Belgium),5th and 6th May 1995
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 2 p.

Fobe, BO, Vleugels, GJ, Roekens, EJ, Van Grieken, RE, Hermoson, B, Ortega-Calvo, JJ, Sanchez Del Junco, A, and Saiz-Jimenez, C (1995).
Organic and inorganic compounds in limestone weathering crusts from cathedrals in southern and western Europe
Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 29-6 p. 1691-1701.

Goemaere, E, Paquet, B, and Vermeren, L (1995).
Quarries of Famennian sandstones in Wallonie: past,present and future. Brogne Abbey,Saint-Gerard (province of Namur,Belgium),5th and 6th May 1995
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Guillite, O and Dreesen, R (1995).
Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Bioreceptivity and biodeterioration of building stones colonized by cyanobacteria,algae and mosses. Laboratory chamber exposure and petrography
European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 171-198.

Helsen, S, David, P, and Fermont, WJJ (1995).
Conodont alteration by means of Colour Image analysis
Journal of Geology, vol. 103 p. 257-267.

Herch, A, Gerling, P, and Glasmacher, U (1995).
Chemical and isotopic investigations of gases in ground- and mineral waters in the Meuse-Rhine Euregio. Brogne Abbey,Saint-Gerard (province of Namur,Belgium),5th and 6th May 1995
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Jacobs, P (1995).
Eocene to early Oligocene deltas in the Southern North Sea Bight,Belgium. In: Oti,M.N. & Postma,G.,eds. Geology of Deltas
Balkema, vol. chapter 6 p. 139-152.

Jacobs, P and Sevens, E (1995).
Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Computerized X-ray tomography (CT): a potential non-destructive research tool for building stone characterization. Part 2. Monitoring of interactive physical weathering and biological deterio
European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 222-252.

Jacobs, P, Sevens, E, and Kunnen, M (1995).
Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Computerized X-ray tomography (CT): a potential non-destructive research tool for building stone characterization. Part 1. Principles,techniques,application and methodology
European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 207-221.

Jacobs, P, Sevens, E, and Kunnen, M (1995).
Principles of computerized X-ray tomography and application to building materials
The Science of the Total Environment,Elsevier, vol. 167 p. 161-170.

Jagt, JWM and Janssen, MJ (1995).
Opmerkelijke Luiks-Limburgse Krijtfossielen. Deel I. Een boeketje rudisten uit Maastricht
Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, vol. 84-4 p. 97-100.

Jagt, JWM, Burnett, JA, and Kennedy, WJ (1995).
Upper Campanian Ammonites and Nannofossils from Southern Limburg,The Netherlands
Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, vol. 53 p. 49-63.

Kennedy, WJ and Jagt, WJM (1995).
Lower Campanian heteromorph ammonites from the Vaals Formation around Aachen,Germany,and adjacent parts of Belgium and The Netherlands
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,Abhandlungen, vol. 197,3 p. 275-294.

Kucha, H, Osuch, W, and Elsen, J (1995).
Calculation and refinement of cell parameters of Viaeneite from electron diffraction patterns
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie,Monatshefte, vol. H10 p. 433-443.

M., DC and Swennen, R (1995).
Septarian concretions from the Boom Clay or inference of open or closed diagenesis during concretion growth. Brogne Abbey, Saint-Gerard (province of Namur,Belgium), 5th and 6th May 1995
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Pissart, A and Streel, M (1995).
De Hoge Venen. In: Depuydt,F.,ed. Fascinerende landschappen van Vlaanderen en Wallonië
Davidsfonds, vol. p. 240-249.

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