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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 9000 - 9999 / Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Bioreceptivity and biodeterioration of building stones colonized by cyanobacteria,algae and mosses. Laboratory chamber exposure and petrography

O Guillite and R Dreesen (1995)

Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage. Bioreceptivity and biodeterioration of building stones colonized by cyanobacteria,algae and mosses. Laboratory chamber exposure and petrography

European Commission,DG XII for Science,Research and Development, vol. Research Report 2 p. 171-198.

09777, .70, 104, 127, O, Ht, BW, BRAB3, SYNAM, EOC, TN, PIERRE, ALTROC

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