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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Felder, PJ (2001).
Bioklasten uit het Boven-Krijt (Campanien-Maastrichtien) van boringen in Nederlands Limburg,de Belgische Kempen en de Noordzee
Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, vol. 90 p. 28-34.

Frechen, M, Van Vliet-Lanoë, B, and Van Den Haute, P (2001).
The Upper Pleistocene loess record at Harmignies/Belgium - high resolution terrestrial archive of climate forcing
Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, vol. 173 p. 175-195.

Heijlen, W, Muchez, P, and Banks, DA (2001).
Origin and evolution of high-salinity,Zn-Pb mineralising fluids in the Variscides of Belgium
Mineralium Deposita, vol. 36 p. 165-176.

Jacobs, P, De Batist, M, De Ceukelaire, M, Sevens, E, Van Bavinchove, B, and Verschuren, M (2001).
The Ypresian (Lower Eocene) in the Belgian Basin (Southern Bight North Sea): Geophysical and petrophysical characteristics,sedimentary environments and depositional history. Field Trip Guide Book
Association des Sédimentologistes Français, vol. 2001 p. 1-30.

Jansen, U, Königshof, P, Plodowski, G, Schindler, E, Bultynck, P, Casier, J, Coen-Aubert, M, and Godefroid, J (2001).
Mid-Palaeozoic Bio- and Geodynamics. The North Gondwana - Laurussia Interaction. Field trips Guidebook. Pre-conference field trip (V1): Couvin-Philippeville-Wellin area,Ardenne (May 11-12,2001)
15th International Senckenberg Conference, vol. p. 151 p.

Loosli, HH, Aesbach-Hertig, W, Barbecot, F, Blaser, P, Darling, WG, Dever, L, Edmunds, WM, Kipfer, R, Purtschert, R, and Walraevens, K (2001).
Isotopic methods and their hydrogeochemical context in the investigation of palaeowaters. Palaeowaters in Coastal Europe: evolution of groundwater since the late Pleistocene
Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. 189 p. 193-212.

Louwye, S (2001).
New dinoflagellate cysts from the Berchem Formation,Miocene,northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin)
Geobios, vol. 34 (2) p. 121-130.

M., F, K., V, K., V, E., P, and T., C (2001).
The deposition history of the coversands along the Bree fault escarpment,NE Belgium
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 80(3-4) p. 171-185.

Mallants, D, Marivoet, J, and Sillen, X (2001).
Performance assessment of vitrified high-level waste in a clay layer
Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 298 p. 125-135.

Muchez, P, Heijlen, W, Schneider, J, and Haack, U (2001).
A little rain falls but faulting is essential: Extensional tectonics and the origin of Zn-Pb deposits in Western Europe. In: Piestrzynski,A.,et al. (eds.),Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21 st century
Balkema, vol. p. 201-204.

Nachtergaele, J, Poesen, J, Steegen, A, Takken, I, Beuselinck, L, Vandekerckhove, L, and Govers, G (2001).
The value of a physically-based model versus an empirical approach in the prediction of ephemeral gully erosion for loess-derived soils
Geomorphology, vol. 40 p. 237-252.

Piestrzynski, A, Buchanan, D, Podemski, M, and Peryt, T (2001).
Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st century
Balkema, vol. p. 1148p.

Poesen, J, Verstraeten, G, Soenens, R, and Seynaeve, L (2001).
Soil losses due to harvesting of chicory roots and sugar beets: an underrated geomorphological process?
Catena, vol. 43 p. 35-47.

Roels, S, Elsen, J, Carmeliet, J, and Hens, H (2001).
Characterisation of pore structure by combining mercury porosimetry and micrography
Materials and Structures, vol. 34 p. 76-82.

Slimani, H (2001).
New species of dinoflagellate cysts from the Campanian-Danian chalks at Hallembaye and Turnhout (Belgium) and at Beutenaken (the Netherlands).
Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 20 p. 1-11.

Steegen, A and Govers, G (2001).
Correction factors for estimating suspended sediment export from loess catchments
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 26 p. 441-449.

Steegen, A, Govers, G, Takken, I, Nachtergaele, J, Poesen, J, and Merckx, R (2001).
Factors controlling sediment and phosporus export from two Belgian agricultural catchments
Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 30 p. 1249-1258.

Steemans, P (2001).
Ordovician cryptospores from the Oostduinkerke borehole,Brabant Massif,Belgium
Geobios, vol. 34(1) p. 3-12.

Van Balen, K, Baronio, G, Bartos, P, Binda, L, Callebaut, K, Elsen, J, van Hees, R, Hughes, J, van der Klugt, L, Lindqvist, JE, Marie-Victorie, E, Middendorf, B, Maurenbrecher, P, Papayianni, I, Thomson, M, Toumbakari, EE, and Waldum, A (2001).
Com-C1 Assessment of mix proportions in historical mortars using quantitative optical microscopy
Materials and Structures, vol. 34 p. 387-388.

Van Der Ham, RWJM, Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, JHA, and Van Der Burgh, J (2001).
Taxodiaceous conifers from the Maastrichtian type area (Late Cretaceous,NE Belgium,SE Netherlands)
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 116 p. 233-250.

Van Geet, M and Swennen, R (2001).
Quantitative 3D-fracture analysis by means of microfocus X-ray computer tomography (µCT): an example from coal.
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 28-17 p. 3333-3336.

Van Rompaey, A, Govers, G, Van Hecke, E, and Jacobs, K (2001).
The impacts of land use policy on the soil erosion risk: a case study in the Belgian Loam Belt
Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment, vol. 83 p. 83-94.

Vanacker, V, Govers, G, Van Peer, P, Verbeek, C, Desmet, J, and Reyniers, J (2001).
Using Monte Carlo Simulation for environmental analysis of small archaeologic datasets,with the Mesolithic in north-east Belgium as a case study
Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 28 p. 661-669.

Vandycke, S and Quinif, Y (2001).
Recent active faults in Belgian Ardenne revealed in Rochefort karstic network (Namur province,Belgium)
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 80/3-4 p. 297-304.

Vanneste, K and Verbeeck, K (2001).
Detailed paleoseismic investigation of the Rurrand Fault in Hambach trench,Germany
Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie (ECGS), vol. 18 p. 153-156.

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