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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 9000 - 9999 / Com-C1 Assessment of mix proportions in historical mortars using quantitative optical microscopy

K Van Balen, G Baronio, P Bartos, L Binda, K Callebaut, J Elsen, R van Hees, J Hughes, L van der Klugt, J. E Lindqvist, E Marie-Victorie, B Middendorf, P Maurenbrecher, I Papayianni, M Thomson, E. E Toumbakari, and A Waldum (2001)

Com-C1 Assessment of mix proportions in historical mortars using quantitative optical microscopy

Materials and Structures, vol. 34 p. 387-388.


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