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Belgian Bioarchaeology Near East

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 210 references in this bibliography folder.

Browaeys, E (2012).
Dierenbegravingen in het Oude Mesopotamië
Tijdschrift Mediterrane Archeologie, 48:12–17.

Fuller, BT, De Cupere, B, Marinova, E, Van Neer, W, Waelkens, M, and Richards, MP (2012).
Isotopic reconstruction of human diet and animal husbandry practices during the Classical-Hellenistic, imperial, and Byzantine periods at Sagalassos, Turkey
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 149(2):157–171.

Kaptijn, E (2012).
The impact of climate on daily life
In: Variabilités environnementales, mutations sociales: natures, intensités, échelles et temporalités des changements: Actes des XXXIIes Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes, 20-22 octobre 2011, ed. by Bertoncello, Frédérique and Berger, Jean-François and Carozza, Laurent and Braemer, Frank and Depaepe, Pascal, pp. 191–202, Editions APDCA, Juan-les-Pins.

Marinova, E, Linseele, V, Vandorpe, P, and Van der Valk, J (2012).
Middle Bronze Age ritual, subsistence and environment at Tell Tweini - Infered from bioarchaeological evidence
In: The ancient Near East, A life! Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe, ed. by Boiy, T. and Bretschneider, J. and Goddeeris, A. and Hameeuw, H. and Jans, G. and Tavernier, J., pp. 345–364, Peeters, Leuven. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta.

Ottoni, C, Flink, LG, Evin, A, Geörg, C, De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, Bartosiewicz, L, Linderholm, A, Barnett, R, Peters, J, Decorte, R, Waelkens, M, Vanderheyden, N, Ricaut, F, Rus Hoelzel, A, Mashkour, M, Karimlu, AFM, Seno, SS, Daujat, J, Brock, F, Pinhasi, R, Hongo, H, Perez-Enciso, M, Rasmussen, M, Frantz, L, Megens, H, Crooijmans, R, Groenen, M, Arbuckle, B, Benecke, N, Vidarsdottir, US, Burger, J, Cucchi, T, Dobney, K, and Larson, G (2012).
Pig domestication and human-mediated dispersal in western Eurasia revealed through ancient DNA and geometric morphometrics
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30(4):824–832.

Rich, S, Manning, SW, Degryse, P, Vanhaecke, F, and Van Lerberghe, K (2012).
Strontium isotopic and tree-ring signatures of Cedrus brevifolia in Cyprus
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 27(5):796–806.

Van Neer, W and De Cupere, B (2012).
Bird feathers for ceremonial use in Hellenistic times at Tell Beydar, Syria?
In: The ancient Near East, A life! Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe, ed. by Boiy, T. and Bretschneider, J. and Goddeeris, A. and Hameeuw, H. and Jans, G. and Tavernier, J., Peeters, Leuven.

Waelkens, M, Mušič, B, Corremans, M, Degryse, P, De Laet, V, Bakker, J, Dusar, B, D'Haen, K, Notebaert, B, Verstraeten, G, Marinova, E, Van Neer, W, Goffete, Q, De Cupere, B, Baeten, J, and De Vos, D (2012).
The 2010 archaeometric research at Sagalassos
In: XXVII. Arkeometri Sonuçlarι Toplantιsι 23-27 May 2011, Malatya, pp. 305–329, Ankara.

Waelkens, M, Mušič, B, Corremans, M, Degryse, P, De Laet, V, Bakker, J, Dusar, B, D'Haen, K, Notebaert, B, Verstraeten, G, Marinova, E, Van Neer, W, Goffete, Q, De Cupere, B, Baeten, J, and Devos, D (2012).
The 2010 archaeometric research at Sagalassos
In: XXVII. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 23 - 28 Mayıs 2011. Malatya, pp. 305–329, Ankara.

Bakker, J, Kaniewski, D, Verstraeten, G, De Laet, V, and Waelkens, M (2011).
Numerically-derived evidence for late Holocene climate change and its impact on human presence in the southwest Taurus Mountains, Turkey
The Holocene, 22(4):425–438.

De Cupere, B and Van Neer, W (2011).
Vlees en been
In: Sagalassos – Jaarboek 2010. De vroeg- tot midden-Byzantijnse periode (450-1250 n.Chr.). Het jaarverslag van de campagne van 2010, ed. by Waelkens, Marc, pp. 140–143, Peeters, Leuven.

Kaniewski, D, Campo, EV, Paulissen, E, Weiss, H, Bakker, J, Rossignol, I, and Lerberghe, KV (2011).
The medieval climate anomaly and the little Ice Age in coastal Syria inferred from pollen-derived palaeoclimatic patterns
Global and Planetary Change, 78(3–4):178–187.

Kaniewski, D, Van Campo, E, Paulissen, E, Weiss, H, Otto, T, Bakker, J, Rossignol, I, and Van Lerberghe, K (2011).
Medieval coastal Syrian vegetation patterns in the principality of Antioch
The Holocene, 21(2):251–262.

Marinova, E, Valk, JA, Valamoti, S, and Bretschneider, J (2011).
An experimental approach for tracing olive processing residues in the archaeobotanical record, with preliminary examples from Tell Tweini, Syria
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 20(5):471–478.

Ottoni, C, Ricaut, FX, Vanderheyden, N, Brucato, N, Waelkens, M, and Decorte, R (2011).
Mitochondrial analysis of a Byzantine population reveals the differential impact of multiple historical events in South Anatolia
European Journal of Human Genetics, 19:571–576.

Vanhaverbeke, H, Degryse, P, De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, Waelkens, M, and Muchez, P (2011).
Urban-rural integration at ancient Sagalassos (SW Turkey). Archaeological, archaeozoological and geochemical evidence
Archaeofauna, 20:73–83.

Verstraeten, G, De Laet, V, Dusar, B, D'Haen, K, Degryse, P, Neyt, B, Muchez, P, Dirix, K, Kaniewski, D, De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, Thys, S, Udrescu, M, Marinova, E, De Vos, D, Baeten, J, Corremans, M, Wielgosz-Rondolino, D, Bakker, J, and Waelkens, M (2011).
The 2008 and 2009 archaeometrical research at Sagalassos
In: XXVI. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, Istanbul, 24-28 May 2010, pp. 117–138, Ankara.

Gruwier, B and Verlinde, A (2010).
Preliminary archaeozoological report on sectors B6 and B6d in the sanctuary area
Anatolia Antiqua, XVIII:157–162.

Kaniewski, D, Paulissen, E, Campo, EV, Weiss, H, Otto, T, Bretschneider, J, and Lerberghe, KV (2010).
Late second–early first millennium BC abrupt climate changes in coastal Syria and their possible significance for the history of the Eastern Mediterranean
Quaternary Research, 74(2):207–215.

Linseele, V (2010).
Etude faunique sur le site de Tell Tweini
In: Tell Tweini. Onze campagnes de fouilles Syro-Belges (1999-2010), ed. by Maqdissi, Michel and Bretschneider, J. and Van Lerberghe, K. and Badawi, M., pp. 153–160, Ministère de la Culture / Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées, Damascus.

Poblome, J, Bes, P, De Cupere, B, Lauwers, V, Romanus, K, Vionis, AK, and Waelkens, M (2010).
Sic transit gloria mundi. Does it really? Wasting seventh century AD Sagalassos (SW Turkey)
In: LRCW3. Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean, ed. by Menchelli, Simonetta and Santoro, Sara and Pasquinucci, Marinella and Guiducci, Gabriella, pp. 791–801, Archaeopress, Oxford. BAR International Series.

Ricaut, F (2010).
Les restes humains retrouvés sur le site de Tell Tweini
In: Tell Tweini. Onze campagnes de fouilles Syro-Belges (1999-2010), ed. by Maqdissi, Michel and Bretschneider, J. and Van Lerberghe, K. and Badawi, M., pp. 149–152, Ministère de la Culture / Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées, Damascus.

Van Neer, W, Ervynck, A, and Monsieur, P (2010).
Fish bones and amphorae: evidence for the production and consumption of salted fish products outside the Mediterranean region
Journal of Roman Archaeology, 23:161–195.

Vanhaverbeke, H, Waelkens, M, Vyncke, K, De Laet, V, Aydal, S, Mušič, B, De Cupere, B, Poblome, J, Braekmans, D, Degryse, P, Marinova, E, Verstraeten, G, Van Neer, W, Šlapšak, B, Medarič, I, Ekinci, HA, and Erbay, MO (2010).
‘Pisidian’ culture? The Classical-Hellenistic site at Düzen Tepe near Sagalassus (southwest Turkey)
Anatolian Studies, 60:105–128.

Vionis, AK, Poblome, J, De Cupere, B, and Waelkens, M (2010).
A middle-Late Byzantine pottery assemblage from Sagalassos. Typo-chronology and sociocultural interpretation
Hesperia, 79:423–464.

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