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You are here: Home / Projects / EU / ArcHIVE / Workshop 24th and 25th / Help / Add Multimedia

Add Multimedia

This section allows to add some multimedia content related to the Item:

You can add several multimedia using the Add new menu:

  • a file (stl, zip, docx, xls, avi, mpg, avi...). This file should be smaller than 200 Mb.


  • an image (jpg, png, gif)


  • a link (url)



  • a page (rich text html with the possibility to add an Iframe with a video or a 3D view)
    • Example: embedded 3D file from sketchfab

      <div><iframe height="600px" src=";autostart=1&amp;preload=1&amp;transparent=1&amp;ui_infos=0&amp;ui_related=0" width="800"></iframe></div>

      And resulting view:



  • a page with table with possibility to import and export CSV data