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UK-NHM Passport Education and Training


The museum collaborates in teaching Masters’ level courses, and in training PhD students via Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and individual collaborations:

NHM/IC joint MSc in Taxonomy and Biodiversity (

NHM/IC joint MRes in Biosystematics (

NHM/UCL/IoZ MRes in Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation. (

We are a host partner in four Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) DTPs: GW4+ (, London (, SPITFIRE (, SSCP ( and also co-supervise students within the Oxford NERC DTP (

We are also a partner in the SEAHA (Science and Engineering for Arts, Heritage and Archaeology, DTP with UCL, Brighton and Oxford universities. We also co-supervise PhD students funded by other organisations, including Leverhulme Trust, John Spedan Lewis Trust, EU training networks, and different UK funding councils.






The museum has a full school education programme for all levels (Key stage 1-3 and 16 plus), more details of relevant activities can be found here (

The NHM also has an active work experience placement programme ( and regularly recruits volunteers (


  • Is your Institution involved in any Training Project? With other partners? (Please identify the project(s) and the link(s) to the specific website(s)

The NHM is currently in the second year of ’Identification Trainers of the Future’, a programme providing 15 paid traineeships in biological recording and species surveying to tackle a shortage of species identification experts.

The NHM has led on, and participated in, a number of NERC-funded ’Advanced Training Short Courses’ over the past few years. Those currently running are:

  • Taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality
  • An introduction to computed tomography: 3D non-destructive imaging for taxonomy
  • Quaternary palaeoecology
  • Taxonomy and stratigraphy of Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera
  • Molecular diagnostics for species identification and evolutionary analysis
  • Taxonomic principles and tools in botanical research T

The museum also runs the following collections-care short courses: The fundamentals of natural history conservation Working safely with natural history collections Disaster planning and salvaging The fundamentals of effective pest management Advanced integrated pest management


Dr Eileen J.
Head of Postgraduate Studies.
+44(0)20 7942 5290


