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UK-NHM Passport Facilities


3 Units in the lab :

  • Imaging and Analysis Centre, including
  • Molecular Biology Unit, including
  • Conservation centre with a range of specialist equipment including
Scientific Instruments

Molecular Biology Unit (MBU):

  • Sanger sequencing - 3730xl DNA Analyser (Applied Biosystems)
  • Sanger sequencing - 9700 Dual 96-well Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems)
  • Sanger sequencing - 9700 Dual 384-well Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems)
  • Sanger sequencing - Veriti 96-well Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems)
  • Sanger sequencing - Microlab STAR Robotic Workstation (Hamilton) post PCR
  • Specimen Preperation Laboratory
  • DNA preperation (Isolation, Purification, Quantification and Imaging)
  • DNA Replication - Polymerase Chain Reaction, Library construction RNA laboratory
  • Cloning laboratory (Bacterial, Yeast, Fungal)
  • In situ hybridisation
  • Dark Room
  • Robotic High Throughput
  • Tissue Culture
  • Limited Insectaries

Zoology Radiography Suite:

  • Philips MCN161 tube with a Tungsten target, tube voltage 160kV/10mA current
  • Machlett Solar Schall tube with a copper target, tube voltage 55kV/15mA current

Electron Beam Instruments:

  • High Resolution Field Emission SEM (Zeiss ULTRA Plus) with EDX analysis (Oxford Instruments Inca with X-Max 80 detector)
  • Variable pressure SEM (LEO 1455VP) with EDX analysis (Oxford Instruments Inca with X-Max 80 detector)
  • Variable pressure analytical SEM (Zeiss EVO 15LS) with EDX analysis (Oxford Instruments Inca with X-Max 80 detector) and cathodoluminesence imaging (Gatan Chroma CL)
  • Cameca SX100 Electron Microprobe (5-spectrometer) with EDX analysis and CL imaging
  • Variable Pressure, Field Emission SEM (FEI Quanta 650 ESEM FEG) with EDX analysis (Bruker Esprit with Flat Quad 5060F)

Chemical Laboratories:

  • Solution ICPMS (Agilent 7700x ICPMS)
  • Solution ICPAES (Thermo iCAP 6500 duo view ICP-AES)
  • Ion Chromatography (Dionex ICS-3000)
  • CHNS Analyser (Elementar Vario EL cube)

Optical Laboratories:

  • Confocal laser scanning microscope (Nikon A1 Si fitted to an Eclipse upright microscope)
  • Zeiss Axiotron Microscope with Diode Array Spectrophotometer
  • Petrological microscopes (Zeiss)
  • Petrological microscope (Leica DMR)
  • Olympus BX63 motorised light microscope
  • Olympus BX61 motorised light microscope
  • Zeiss AxioZoom v. 16 motorised stereo microscope
  • Zeiss Stemi v11 stereo microscope with camera
  • Leica MZ 125 stereo microscope with camera
  • Macrophotography stands with cameras
  • Smartdrive SatScan automated large field imaging system

X-ray diffraction laboratories – a comprehensive suite of instrumentation:

  • Powder Diffraction System (Nonius PDS120) with PSD detector
  • Rigaku D/Max-Rapid II - Powder and Single Crystal Diffractometer with two-dimensional IP detector
  • Micro Powder Diffraction System (Nonius PDS120) with GeniX High Flux Source and temperature stage (50-1200C)
  • High Resolution Scanning Diffractometer (Panalytical X'Pert Pro MPD - Alpha 1)
  • Xcalibur Single Crystal Diffractometer (Agilent) with Cryojet temperature stage (90-490K)

Tomography: micro-CT Nikon HMX SST 255, high resolution micro-CT Zeiss Versa 520

Galleries and exhibitions


