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SK-COM-UNI-BO Passport Collections

Identification and description

Herbarium collections are primarily concentrated on the Carpathian and Pannonian flora. Considerable part of collections refers also to the detailed systematic studies by the researchers of the institute, particularly of some genera of families Brassicaceae (Alyssum, Cardamine) and Asteraceae (Picris, Senecio, Hieracium, Pilosella, Cyanus). Important part of the herbarium is also extensive collection of the genera Hieracium and Pilosella by Alois Zlatník. Internationally important collection is that by Czech botanist František Nábělek (1884-1965). He studied botany under Professor Richard von Wettstein at Vienna University, Austria. Shortly after finishing his studies he visited SW Asia, where he collected plants from March 1909 until November 1910. During this time he visited the area of the current Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrein, Iran and Turkey. Along with Joseph Bornmüller and Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti, Nábělek was one of the most important contributors towards the knowledge of the flora of this area after the publication of Boissier's Flora Orientalis. Results of his studies were published in five parts of his work Iter Turcico-Persicum (Nábělek, 1923-1929), where he described four new genera, 78 species, 69 varieties and 38 formas. His extensive herbarium from this area contains 6775 specimens (altogether 4171 collection numbers). More details: Lichen collection includes material collected from up to 50 countries worldwide, collected by up to 150 collectors. Important collections: • Lichenes minus congniti H. Kashiwadani (no 201–375) • Lichenes japonici exsiccati I. Yoshimura (no 35–42) • Lichenes sinenses exsiccati J. C. Wei (no 1–50) • Lichenotheca latinoamericana H. Sipman (no 1–150) • Lichenes delicati exsiccati editae in memoriam A. Vězda; E. Farkas (no 1–30) • Lichenes selecti exsiccati Upsaliensis (no 1–150, 301–400) • Lichenes isidiosi et sorediosi exsiccati T. Tønsberg (no 1–50) • Lichenes canadenses exsiccati (no 251–295) • Lichenes poloniae exsiccati W. Fałtynowicz, M. Kukwa, P. Czarnota (no 26–75) • Lichenes exsiccati selecti G. Follmann (no 1–40, 61–150) • Lichenes exsiccati Umbilicariaceae B. Feige, H. T. Lumbsch (no 1–106) • Plantae graecenses (no 1–560) • Lichenotheca graecensis W. Obermayer (no 1–320) • Lichenes slovakiae exsiccati I. Pišút (no 201–250, 276–300) • Lichenes selecti exsiccati A. Vězda (no 493, 2001–2500) • Lichenes rariores exsiccati A. Vězda (no 274, 337, 441, 444, 455, 461–471, 474–481, 484–492, 494–496, 500) • herbarium A. Vězda – 78 duplikcates (1 isotypus, 1 topotypus)

No file
Collections statistics
Cryptogams 15 parcels/ Phanerogams:25 parcels
Cryptogams:300 / Phanerogams : 5000
EARTH SCIENCES (Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
LIFE SCIENCES (Zoology, Biology, Botany, Mycology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
2.1 Botany 150 125070 0 5
2.2 Mycology 0 38900 0 70
Heritage Science

• Type(s) of objects: scientific journals, periodicals, books of abstracts, papers, proceedings, books (e.g. monographs, floras, identification keys) • No. of objects (of each type): altogether 23 013 units



