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IL-NNHC-HUJL Passport Facilities

  • Conservation lab - directed by G. Beiner (M.A., ACR)
  • Two separate laboratories dedicated to modern and ancient DNA research
Scientific Instruments

We have access on demand to various shared core facilitiy units at the Hebrew University 

such as:

  • The Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (HUCNN). The  Center’s Units for NanoCharacterizaton and NanoFabrication provide hi-tech nanotechnological services and facilities to researchers from across the University faculties, other universities and industry. (
  • The Computerized Archaeology Laboratory at the Institute of Archaeology harnesses techniques and ideas from computer science (e.g., computer graphics, machine learning) while integrating them into archaeological research methodologies. The laboratory operates optical scanners which provide three dimensional (3D) digital models that are then analyzed with the computer programs developed in our laboratory (
  • The Center for Genomic Technologies serves as a National Research and Service Laboratory dedicated to the several approaches for detecting DNA variations. It provides DNA analysis services to all academic, medical and biotechnological communities in Israel, in the fields of diagnostics, agriculture, genetic diseases, drug development and gene therapy, on a cost-recovery basis (
Galleries and exhibitions


