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You are here: Home / CETAF Members / Countries / Hungary / Hungarian Natural History Museum / HU-MTTM Passport Collections

HU-MTTM Passport Collections

Identification and description
  • most complete flora and fauna documentation of the Carpathians and the Carpathian basin
  • paleontological collection (incl. dinosaurs) of Carpathian basin
  • South and Southeast European cryptogam plant and invertebrate collections
  • East Asian invertebrates and mammals
  • worldwide dendrological collection

The botany collections contains a special collection on paleobotany consisting of 802 primary types and 39,476 individual specimens, 100% of which are registered and recorded cards in the database.

No file
Seed Bank, DNA Bank
Collections statistics
200 / 20000
3000 accessions/150000 collection items
EARTH SCIENCES (Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
1.1 Palaeontology 5784 326074 17 80
1.2 Mineralogy 3 58000 97 100
1.3 Geology 0 28000 70 100
1.4 Anthropology 0 32224 100 100
LIFE SCIENCES (Zoology, Biology, Botany, Mycology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
2.1 Botany 30102 1934073 2 26
2.2 Mycology 996 106626 - 40
2.3 Zoology 83952 7437308 1 5
Heritage Science

books / periodicals / other

148 484/ 101 707 / 148 863



