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GR-NHMC-UOC Passport Collections

Identification and description

NHMC collections come mainly from the Mediterranean area which:

  • is the second largest hotspot in the world covering a vast area of more than 2 million km2 with 22.500 plant species been registered (four times higher than the number encountered in the rest of Europe)
  • is characterized by a high rate of endemism (52% of the 22.500 plants, 33.5% of the 230 reptile species, 34.2% of the 79 amphibian species & 29.2% of the 216 freshwater fishes are endemic to the area.
  • includes the Aegean archipelago with 7.852 islands & islets.
No file
DNA Bank
Collections statistics
EARTH SCIENCES (Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
1.1 Palaeontology 4 12000   100
LIFE SCIENCES (Zoology, Biology, Botany, Mycology,…) 
  Typology Primary types Individual specimens/objects % registered cards % recorded cards in database
2.1 Botany 10 34000   60
2.2 Zoology 21 2600000   60
Heritage Science

Different kinds of materials are collected and catalogued in the Library of NHMC, including both printed and not printed material. Currently, the collections are:

  • A Data Base of bibliographic data on the fauna and flora of Aegean Islands and Peloponnese (modern and fossil)
  • Videotapes and CD ROMs, volumes of various proceedings of Congresses, educational material
  • Books (Approximately 1700 titles)
  • Maps of the Hellenic Geographic Military Service (H.M.G.S.), P.N/Y.Y, INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL AND MINERAL RESEARCH (400)
  • Copies of 6500 articles published in scientifical journals, dealing mainly with the topics of natural history and environment of Crete, other Aegean Islands and Peloponnisos but also including other topics of research.
  • Journals (160 titles, 3170 items of scientific and no scientific)

In NHMC’s photographic archive, 98200 slides and digital photos of plants, animals, habitats, stones, minerals, fossils, scientific expeditions etc. are housed.

In NHMC, G.I.S. Laboratory, spatial topographic, geological and satellite data, compatible with ArcGIS and other GIS Software, are also stored.



