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You are here: Home / CETAF Members / Countries / Germany / Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History / DE-SMNS Passport Education and Training

DE-SMNS Passport Education and Training


We are contributing with teaching to: University of Hohenheim: Master Modul Systematic, Taxonomy, Evolution; Master Modul Evolution of plants University Bonn: Modul Biodiversity of early terrestrial plants University Heidelberg: Biodiversity Modul C: Evolution of plants University Jena: Lecture Bony fish and Tetrapods University of Tübingen: Lecture Carbonates; Lecture Biomimetic Guided tours and seminars for different universities at the museum.


Yes, in further education for ongoing teachers together with the State Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Training.




Guided tours are highly diversified according to the different audience: for small children (<6 years), for different school levels, for families and adults.

Guided Tours for different audiences as children, schools, adults and families.
Projects for schools, holiday programmes, education and training courses for different audiences,


  • Is your Institution involved in any Training Project? With other partners? (Please identify the project(s) and the link(s) to the specific website(s)



+49 711-8936- 263


