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You are here: Home / CETAF Members / Countries / Estonia / University of Tartu, Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden / EE-UT Passport Education and Training

EE-UT Passport Education and Training

Besides coordinating several doctoral studies on University of Tartu students, NHM is organizing study and post-conference programmes for UT and its institutes events and visiting groups.


Both the NHM and BG have non-formal educational study programmes for children, youth and adult age groups (in total about 40 programmes) with topics ranging from the development of Earth to practical gardening and pets. Main study fields include biodiversity, geology, zoology and ecology. In addition various workshops, semianrs and fields trips for the general publics or schools are regularly organized. Partners include local and national environment educational centres, universities, schools and NGOs.






  • Is your Institution involved in any Training Project? With other partners? (Please identify the project(s) and the link(s) to the specific website(s)

Environmental educational programs for schools (


+372 737 6073 / +372 504 0826


