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You are here: Home / CETAF Members / Countries / Denmark / Natural History Museum of Denmark / DK-SNM-KU Passport Education and Training

DK-SNM-KU Passport Education and Training


In collaboration with other Departments at the University of Copenhagen, the Natural History Museum of Denmark offers around 30 courses for bachelor-, master- and PhD-students. MSc and PhD courses are held in English. BSc course are either in Danish or English. The researchers at the Natural History Museum of Denmark also supervise bachelor-, masters- and other projects, and has a long tradition for educating PhD students.




The museum offers the course “Origins” on the free online learning platform Coursera. More than 30.000 students were enrolled in the first year, 2014.


The museum’s Public Engagement section runs educational projects specifically targeted towards either primary, secondary or high school. One example is the Science on Wheels project where a van full of specimens from the museum’s collections is brought to high schools across the country as part of an outgoing educational effort focused on evolution. In another project, Geofelt, students are brought out into the field on e.g. Iceland as a way to show different side to the subjects they only read about, hereby stimulating their interest in the geo sciences Currently, the museum also runs the following projects: DNA & Life, The Human Animal and PowerPlay (the two latter are e-learning resources).


  • Is your Institution involved in any Training Project? With other partners? (Please identify the project(s) and the link(s) to the specific website(s)

NHM currently hosts two Marie Curie Initial Training Networks: and


Director of Education (University level)

