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You are here: Home / Projects / Neanderthal 3D / Dissemination / 2018-04-10 Qui a tué Neandertal broadcast on France 5 at 20.50pm

2018-04-10 Qui a tué Neandertal broadcast on France 5 at 20.50pm

Broadcast on France 5 on April 10th at 20h50 which focuses on why Neandertals may have died out and was filmed in conjunction with a book 'Qui a tué Neandertal'. Members of the project Neandertal_3D were filmed during the making of this documentary (Patrick Semal, Serge Van Sint Jan, Bruno Bonnechère, Tara Chapman) either discussing the reconstructed Spy II skeleton and the biomechanical analysis of this skeleton or other things related to their expertise on Neandertals. //