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You are here: Home / Digital library / CRUSTACEA / MALACOSTRACA / Decapoda / Biblio / First record of Puerulus mesodontus Chan, Ma & Chu, 2013 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Achelata, Palinuridae) from south of Java, Indonesia

Yusli Wardiatno, Agus A Hakim, Ali Mashar, Nurlisa A Butet, Luky Adrianto, and Achmad Farajallah (2016)

First record of Puerulus mesodontus Chan, Ma & Chu, 2013 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Achelata, Palinuridae) from south of Java, Indonesia

Biodiversity Data Journal(4).

BACKGROUND: Three specimens of Puerulus mesodontus Chan, Ma & Chu, 2013 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Achelata, Palinuridae) were collected from Palabuhanratu Bay, southern Java, Indonesia. There is no previous record on the presence of the species in Indonesia. This finding represents the first record of this species in Java, Indonesia, and confirms that the species is present in the Indian Ocean. The morphological characters of the species are described. NEW INFORMATION: This paper contains a new distribution record of a lobster species from Indonesian waters.

Decapoda, deep-sea spiny lobster, Indian Ocean, new finding, Palabuhanratu bay
  • DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.4.e8069
  • ISSN: 1314-2828