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St-Denijs-Westrem 07/06/1855


The oldest meteorite in Belgium where one is sure that he came from outer space came down in the region around Ghent. On June 7, 1855, about 19 hours 45, a meteor collided with the surface in the vicinity of Saint-Denis-Westrem (St. Denis Westrem in official catalogs).

The meteor itself was not observed, but witnesses spoke of a whistling sound. The discoverers of the meteorite described the object as "round, extremely hot with melted thin crust and distinctive sulfur smell.



    The oldest meteorite in Belgium where one is sure that he came from outer space came down in the region around Ghent. On June 7, 1855, about 19 hours 45, a meteor collided with the surface in the vicinity of Saint-Denis-Westrem (St. Denis Westrem in official catalogs).

    The meteor itself was not observed, but witnesses spoke of a whistling sound. The discoverers of the meteorite described the object as "round, extremely hot with melted thin crust and distinctive sulfur smell.


    51.0200854 3.6695793
Marleen De Ceukelaire 
(collection conservator)
+32 (0)2 788 76 37