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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Wouters, L and Gullentops, F (1988).
The sedimentology of the Westphalian D Neeroeteren Sandstone,Kempen (Belgium)
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, vol. 107 p. 191-202.

Charlet, J, Quinif, Y, Brych, J, Robaszynski, F, Dupuis, C, Laga, P, Leclercq, F, Rorive, A, and Heemskerk, J (1987).
Des silex aux satellites. Les mines "hier,aujourd'hui,demain". Exposition présentée par le Département Mines-Géologie de la Faculté Polytechnique de Mons à l'occasion du 150°anniversaire de sa fondation
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, vol. p. 40 p.

Claeys, P (1987).
More pseudomorphosed evaporites in the Livian of Belgium. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 21.

Demoulin, A (1987).
Tectonic deformations of the Vesdre Terraces. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 5-7.

Demoulin, A (1987).
The distribution of Cretaceous deposits on the Hautes Fagnes plateau (Belgium)
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 66 p. 147-150.

Dusar, M (1987).
Exploration in the Campine,results and prospects 1986 - 1987. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 16-17.

Dusar, M (1987).
Recent investigations on the extension of the Campine coal mining basin (Belgium). In: Almgren G.,Berge,I. & Matikainen,R. 13 World Mining Congress,Stockholm. Improvement of Mine Productivity and Overall Economy byModern Technology
Balkema, vol. 1.12 p. 87-93.

Fransolet, A (1987).
La vantasselite,Al4(PO4)3(OH)3.9H2O,une nouvelle espèce minérale du Massif de Stavelot,Belgique
Bulletin de Minéralogie, vol. 110 p. 647-656.

Halleux, I (1987).
Search for limestone quarries extensions using gamma well logging techniques. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 9.

Jagt, JWM (1987).
An Illustrated Catalogue of Late Cretaceous Fossils from Limburg (The Netherlands) and Adjacent Areas. Hoploscaphites constrictus (J. Sowerby,1817)
Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, vol. 41-2 p. 1-5.

Jagt, JWM, Bless, MJM, Felder, PJ, and Meessen, JPMT (1987).
Upper Campanian in South-Limburg (Netherlands) and NE Belgium. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 10-11.

Kennedy, WJ (1987).
The ammonite fauna of the type Maastrichtian with a revision of Ammonites colligatus Binkhorst,1861
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Sciences de la Terre, vol. 56 p. 151-267.

Laurentiaux-Vieira, F and Laurentiaux, D (1987).
Un remarquable Archimylacride du Westphalien inférieur belge. Ancienneté du dimorphisme sexuel des Blattes
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, vol. 106 p. 37-47.

Muchez, P and Viaene, W (1987).
Dolocretes from the Lower carboniferous of the Campine-Brabant Basin,Belgium
Pedologie, vol. 37-2 p. 187-202.

Muchez, P, Viaene, W, Dusar, M, and Bouckaert, J (1987).
Sedimentological study of the Upper Visean strata in the 's Gravenvoeren borehole. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 31-32.

Newman, W and Baeteman, C (1987).
Holocene Excursion of the Northwest European Geoid Program
Oceanography, vol. 18/1-4 p. 287-322.

Pirard, E (1987).
Image analysis applications in ore microscopy. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 25.

Poels, J (1987).
Some new information about the Maastrichtian phosphatic chalks of the Mons Basin (Belgium). Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 14.

Poty, E (1987).
Block faulting in the Eastern end of the Brabant Massif. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 28.

Préat, A and Boulvain, F (1987).
Les calcaires laminaires du Givétien inférieur du Bassin de Dinant: témoins paléogéographiques et paléoclimatiques
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, vol. 106 p. 49-64.

Préat, A, Ceuleneer, G, and Boulvain, F (1987).
Etude sédimentologique des calcaires du Givétien inférieur d'Olloy-sur-Viroin (Bord sud de Bassin de Dinant,Belgique)
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, vol. 106 p. 251-265.

Robaszynski, F (1987).
The upper white chalks of the Mons Basin (B.). Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 12-13.

Streel, M, Higgs, K, Loboziak, S, Riegel, W, and Steemans, P (1987).
Spore stratigraphy and correlation with faunas in the type marine Devonian of the Ardenne-Rhenish regions. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 30.

Streel, M, Higgs, K, Loboziak, S, Riegel, W, and Steemans, P (1987).
Spore stratigraphy and correlation with faunas and floras in the type marine Devonian of the Ardenne-Rhenish regions
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 50 p. 211-229.

Vanguestaine, M (1987).
Micropalaeontology of the Upper Ordovician Fosses Formation (Condroz,Belgium). Preliminary results. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 27.

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