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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Vandenberghe, J (1990).
Morphological effects of Pleistocene faulting in unconsolidated sediments (Central Graben,Netherlands)
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, vol. NF 34 p. 113-124.

Vanmarcke, J (1990).
Reservoir-geologische karakterisatie van Karbonaatgesteenten in de boring van Molenbeersel (Interval 1232,19-1283,07 m) met behulp van "Computerized Tomographu"
thesis KUL Mijnbouw (eindverhandeling), vol. p. 145 p.

Bless, MJM and Paproth, E (1989).
Diachronism and tripartition of peat accumulation in paralic paleoenvironments,Carboniferous and cenozoic sequences in northwestern Europe
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 12 p. 349-364.

Bosch, PW (1989).
Voorkomen en gebruik van natuurlijke bouwsteen in Limburg
Grondboor en Hamer, vol. 43/5-6 p. 215-222.

Brumagne, W (1989).
De steengroeven rond Sint-Verone-Leefdaal
Eigen Schoon en de Brabander, vol. 22 p. 15-22.

Dejonghe, L, Boulègue, J, Demaiffe, D, and Letolle, R (1989).
Isotope geochemistry (S,C,O,Sr,Pb) of the Chaudfontaine mineralization (Belgium)
Mineralium Deposita, vol. 24 p. 132-140.

Demoulin, A (1989).
Indurations siliceuses et ferrugineuses des sédiments de couverture en Haute Belgique
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, vol. NF 33 p. 103-118.

Demoulin, A (1989).
Quaternary tectonics in the northern Ardenne,Belgium
Tectonophysics, vol. 163 p. 315-321.

Felder, WM, Bosch, PW, and Bisschops, JH (1989).
Geologische kaart van Zuid-Limburg en omgeving. Schaal 1:50 000. Afzettingen van de Maas
Rijks Geologische Dienst,Haarlem. Afd. Kartering, vol. p.

Halter, MC (1989).
Additions to the fish fauna of N.W. Europe. A new dasyatid genus from the Early Paleocene (Danian) of the Limburg area,Belgium
Tertiary Research, vol. 10,4 p. 179-191.

Herman, J, Hovestadt-Euler, M, and Hovestadt, DC (1989).
Additions to the Eocene fish fauna of Belgium. 9. Discovery of Eomobula gen.and spec. nov. (Mobulidae,Chondrichtyes) from the Ypresian
Tertiary Research, vol. 10 (4) p. 175-178.

Jagt, JWM and Kennedy, WJ (1989).
Acanthoscaphites varians (Lopuski,1911) (Ammonoidea) from the Upper Maastrichtian of Haccourt,NE Belgium
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 68,2 p. 237-240.

Robaszynski, F and Christensen, WK (1989).
The Upper Campanian - Lower Maastrichtian chalks of the Mons Basin,Belgium: a preliminary study of belemnites and foraminifera in the Harmignies and Ciply areas
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 68,4 p. 391-408.

Vandenberghe, N and Fock, WJ (1989).
Temperature data in the subsurface of Belgium
Tectonophysics, vol. 164 p. 237-250.

Beugnies, A (1988).
Le métamorphisme de l'aire anticlinale de Givonne
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, vol. 107 p. 117-125.

Demoulin, A (1988).
Cenozoic tectonics on the Hautes Fagnes plateau (Belgium)
Tectonophysics, vol. 145 p. 31-41.

Dijkstra, HH and Janssen, AW (1988).
Capedopecten anellus gen. et spec. nov. (Mollusca,Bivalvia) from the Antwerp Sands (Miocene,Hemmoorian) in Belgium
Basteria, vol. 52 p. 175-187.

Felder, WM, Bosch, PW, and Bisschops, JH (1988).
Geologische kaart van Zuid-Limburg en omgeving. Schaal 1:50 000. Oppervlaktekaart
Rijks Geologische Dienst,Haarlem. Afd. Kartering, vol. p.

Houthuys, R and Gullentops, F (1988).
The Vlierzele Sands (Eocene,Belgium): a tidal ridge system. In: P.L. de Boer et al. (ed.),Tide-influenced sedimentary environments and facies
Reidel Publishing Company, vol. p. 139-152.

Jagt, JWM and Janssen, AW (1988).
The Danian in the Maastrichtian type area (SE Netherlands,NE Belgium): past,present and future research
Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, vol. 25(2-3) p. 213-223.

Jagt, JWM and Janssen, AW (1988).
Jouannetia (Bivalvia,Pholadidae) and Neritopsis (Gastropoda,Neritopsidae),two molluscs from the Danian (Palaeocene) of the Maastricht area (SE Netherlands and NE Belgium)
Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, vol. 25(2-3) p. 163-174.

Jagt, JWM and Janssen, AW (1988).
Preface to 'Faunal and stratigraphical aspects of the Early Palaeocene (Danian) in the SE Netherlands and NE Belgium'
Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, vol. 25(2-3) p. 111-114.

Nota, DJG, Bakker, AMG, Van De Weerd, B, and Halma, G (1988).
A hydrogeological study in the basin of the Gulp creek - a reconnaissance in a small catchment area. Part 3: Chemistry of surface and ground water
Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, vol. 87-7 p. 1-46.

Thorez, J, Goemaere, E, and Dreesen, R (1988).
Tide- and wave-influenced depositional environments in the Psammites du Condroz (Upper Famennian) in Belgium. In: P.L. de Boer et al. (eds.),Tide-influenced sedimentary environments and facies
Reidel Publishing Company, vol. p. 389-415.

Van Der Ham, RWJM (1988).
Echinoids from the Early Paleocene (Danian) of the Maastricht area (NE Belgium,SE Netherlands): preliminary results. In: Jagt & Janssen (eds) Faunal and stratigraphical aspects of the Early Paleocene (Danian) in the SE Netherlands and NE Belgium
Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, vol. 25,2-3 p. 127-161.

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