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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Langenaeker, V (1993).
A sensitivity analysis of some basin modelling techniques: an example from the Westphalian in the Campine Basin (NE-Belgium).
Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, vol. Teil I Heft 5 p. 487-496.

Liu, AC, De Batist, M, Henriet, JP, and Missiaen, T (1993).
Plio-Pleistocene scour hollows in the Southern Bight of the North Sea
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 71 p. 195-204.

Meus, P (1993).
Hydrologie d'un aquifère karstique dans les calcaires carbonifères (Néblon-Anthisnes-Comblain-au-Pont). Apport des traçages en milieu karstique
thesis ULG sciences géologiques (doctorat), vol. p. 323 p.

Muchez, P, Peeters, C, Keppens, E, and Viaene, WA (1993).
Stable isotopic composition of paleosols in the Lower Viséan of eastern Belgium: evidence of evaporation and soil-gas CO2
Chemical Geology, vol. 106 p. 389-396.

Nielsen, P, Keppens, E, and Swennen, R (1993).
Recrystallization of dolomites: the solution to solve the apparent conflict between geological and geochemical data in dolomite studies? Leuven - Belgium, 4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Ribbert, K (1993).
A new map for an old region. Presentation of a new map of the Belgian-German borderland with special respect to the lower Devonian. Leuven - Belgium,4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Riewé, A (1993).
De oesters van Sint Niklaas
Afzettingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, vol. 14(3) p. 10-12.

Simon, E (1993).
Possible presence of Cretirhynchia undulata (Pusch,1837) in the Vijlen Chalk (Upper Maastrichtian) from Hallembaye (Belgium) and neighbouring area
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Sciences de la Terre, vol. 63 p. 73-97.

Slobodnik, M, Muchez, P, and Viaene, W (1993).
MVT mineralisations in eastern Belgium: evidence for gravity-driven flow. Leuven - Belgium,4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 2 p.

Swennen, R, De Vos, W, Ebbing, J, Hindel, R, Schalich, J, and Van Keer, I (1993).
Pristine background values in heavyly industrialized areas : a geological approach. Leuven - Belgium, 4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 4 p.

Vandenberghe, N, Laga, P, Steurbaut, E, Hardenbol, J, and Vail, P (1993).
The Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy at the southern border of the North Sea Basin in Belgium. Leuven - Belgium,4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 2 p.

Verhelst, F and Vervoort, A (1993).
Computerized Tomography - Background. Leuven - Belgium, 4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Verniers, J and De Vos, W (1993).
Recent research in the Brabant Massif. Leuven - Belgium,4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Wellens, M (1993).
Pre-Westphalian source rocks at the northern edge of the Stavelot-Venn anticline (Linksrheinische Schiefergebirge). Leuven - Belgium,4th & 5th June 1993
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 2 p.

Winstanley, A (1993).
A review of the Triassic play in the Roer Valley Graben,SE onshore Netherlands. In: J.R. Parker,ed. Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe. Proceedings of the 4th Conference
Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. p. 595-607.

Baeteman, C, De Lannoy, W, Paepe, R, and Van Cauwenberghe, C (1992).
Vulnerability of the Belgian Coastal Lowlands to Future Sea-level Rise. In: Tooley,M. & Jelgersma,S. (Eds.) : Impact of Sea-level Rise on European Coastal Lowlands
Blackwell Publications, vol. p. 56-71.

Berghmans, V (1992).
La SA des Dolomies de Marche-les-Dames
Revue de lʼIndustrie Minérale. Mines et Carrières, vol. 1992-10 p. 56-57.

Broertjes, JP (1992).
Zwerfstenen ten zuiden van de grote rivieren
Grondboor en Hamer, vol. 1992/3 p. 77-80.

De Bie, P (1992).
Het systeem van Bretaye
Spelerpes,Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen, vol. 15 nr 67 p. 1-11.

De Geyter, G (1992).
Etude pétrographique des pierres à aiguiser et des pierres meulières.In : J. Barbieux (Ed.),Le site d'Hornaing (Nord) : Protohistoire,La Tène I,La Tène III,Gallo-Romain,Mérovingien.
Archaeologia Duacensis, vol. 5 p. 96-98.

De Geyter, G, Herbosch, A, Verniers, J, De Vos, W, and Laga, P (1992).
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of ten new cored boreholes in the western Brabant Massif,Belgium. Caledonides of the Anglo-Brabant Massif and adjacent areas,Keyworth,UK,17-18 September 1992. Abstracts
Geological Society of London, vol. p. 21.

Dusar, M and Verkaeren, P (1992).
Methane desorption in closed collieries: examples from Belgium. In: UNECE Workshop on the Recovery and end-use of coal-bed methane
Central Mining Institute,Katowice, vol. Report N° C-4 p. 9 p.

Gullentops, F (1992).
Holocene soil erosion in the Loess Belt of Belgium
Acta Geographica Lovaniensia, vol. 33 p. 671-683.

Janssen, AW (1992).
Zur Definition der Rupel-Stufe als weltweite chronostratigraphische Einheit. The definition of the Rupelian Stage as a global chronostratigraphic unit
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,Abhandlungen, vol. 186(1-3) p. 91-95.

Le Gall, B (1992).
The deep structure of the Ardennes Variscan thrust belt from structural and ECORS seismic data
Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 14 p. 531-546.

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