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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Louwye, S and Declercq, E (1998).
Relative water level change in the intracoastal zone of Belgium and Northern France over the last 2500 years
Boreas, vol. 27 p. 162-177.

Muchez, P, Zhang, Y, Dejonghe, L, Viaene, W, and Keppens, E (1998).
Evolution of palaeofluids at the Variscan thrust front in eastern Belgium
Geologische Rundschau, vol. 87 p. 373-380.

Neumann-Mahlkau, P and Ribbert, KH (1998).
Die Konglomerate der Givet-Stufe östlich des Brabanter Massivs.
Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen, vol. 37 p. 393-421.

Nicolas, E, Schmit, E, and Veschkens, M (1998).
Le développement d'un système intégré d'aide à la planification et à la conduite des chantiers d'exploitation.
Commission Européenne,Recherche Technique Charbon, vol. Contrat 7220-AF/207; EUR 17420FR p. 321 p.

Pieters, M, Baeteman, C, Demiddele, H, and Ervynck, A (1998).
The polder area of Raversijde (Oostende,Belgium): a complex parent material affected by intense human interventions. Archaeology as a tool in geopedology
Proceed. 16th World Congress of Soil Science,Montpellier,France, vol. 1 p. 1-10.

Scheffers, BC, Arts, RJ, Meekes, SAC, and Otte, WMA (1998).
Acquisition of 2D high resolution seismic data using dynamite and vibroseis sources.
InFormation,TNO geo-energy, vol. May 1998 p. 5-9.

Snape, C, Yperman, J, Franco, D, and Bartle, K (1998).
Speciation of the organic sulphur forms in coals and coal derivatives: a comparative study of temperature programmed reduction and X-ray techniques.
Commission Européenne,Recherche Technique Charbon, vol. Contract 7220-EC/025; EUR 17947EN p. 100 p.

Steurbaut, E (1998).
High-resolution holostratigraphy of Middle Paleocene to Early Eocene strata in Belgium and adjacent areas.
Palaeontographica, vol. Abt. A,247,Lfg. 5-6 p. 91-156.

Van Den Haute, P, De Corte, F, Jonckheere, R, and Bellemans, F (1998).
The parameters that govern the accuracy of fission-track age determinations: a re-appraisal. In: Van den haute P. & De Corte F. (editors). Advances in Fission-Track Geochronology
Solid Earth Science Series, vol. 10 p. 33-46.

Van Den Haute, P, Vancraeynest, L, and De Corte, F (1998).
The late Pleistocene loess deposits of eastern Belgium: new TL age determinations
Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 13(5) p. 487-497.

Van Keer, I, Muchez, P, and Viaene, W (1998).
Clay mineralogical variations and evolutions in sandstone sequences near a coal seam and shales in the Westphalian of the Campine Basin (NE Belgium).
Clay Minerals, vol. 33 p. 159-169.

Walraevens, K, Cardenal, J, De Smet, D, and De Breuck, W (1998).
Hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical evidence for the present-day existence of preferential pathways in the Bartonian clay
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, vol. 1998 p. 369-388.

Wouters, L and Manfroy, P (1998).
Geophysical prospection of Tertiary clays in Belgium. Methods for detecting heterogenities.
Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Radioactive Waste management NEA/SEDE, vol. DOC(98)4 p. 17-18.

David, P, Fermont, W, and Verhelst, F (1997).
Density estimation of in situ coal constituents by a combined study of 3D-Computer Tomography and 2D-Colour Image Analysis.
Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, vol. Teil I Heft 11-12 p. 1079-1085.

De Vos, W and Everaerts, M (1997).
An updated scheme of deep crustal structures in Belgium based on recent aeromagnetic and gravity research
Terra Nova, vol. 9,Abstract supplement N.1 p. 148,08.4/3P08.

De Wolf, K (1997).
Architectuurgids Zuid-Oost-Vlaanderen. Gotische bouwkunst (1225-1625)
Marnixring Sotteghem, vol. p. 116 p.

Demoulin, A (1997).
Commentaire sur «De lʼacyclisme au polycyclisme: l'intérêt d'un cas-limite: le massif ardennais",de F. Huguet
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, vol. 41 p. 247-251.

Fobe, B (1997).
Review of the lithostratigraphy of the Middle Eocene in Northern Belgium.
Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology,Leiden, vol. 34,3-4 p. 53-67.

Fransolet, A and Theye, T (1997).
On the Ardennes chloritoids and the ottrelite term (Cambrian,Belgium - French): A comment
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie,Monatshefte, vol. 1997 (7) p. 328-331.

Hance, L (1997).
Eoparastaffella,its evolutionary pattern and biostratigraphic potential
Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Special Publication, vol. 36 p. 59–62.

Keutgen, N (1997).
Belemnella (Belemnella) cf. praearkhangelskii Naidin,1964 from the Vijlen Member at Altembroeck (NE Belgium,Early Maastrichtian)
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 75,4 p. 341-347.

Robion, P, C. Kissel, D, Frizon De Lamotte, LJP, and Guézou, JC (1997).
Magnetic mineralogy and metamorphic zonation in the Ardennes Massif (France-Belgium)
Tectonophysics, vol. 271 p. 231-248.

Van Belle, J (1997).
De l'or à Clabecq ? Goud te Clabecq ?
Pierre & Marbre - Steen & Marmer, vol. 3/4 p. 23-26,30-31.

Vandaele, K (1997).
Temporele en ruimtelijke dynamiek van bodemerosieprocessen in landelijke stroomgebieden (Midden-België). Een terreinstudie
thesis KUL Geografisch Instituut (doctoraatsverhandeling), vol. p. 278 p.

Vandaele, K, Poesen, JR, and Marques De Silva, JR (1997).
Assessment of factors controlling ephemeral gully erosion in Southern Portugal and Central Belgium using aerial photographs
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, vol. 41 p. 273-288.

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