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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Callebaut, K, Viaene, W, Van Balen, K, and Ottenburgs, R (1999).
Petrographical,mineralogical and chemical investigation of XXXXX 17th and 19th century in the St.-Michael's church (Leuven,Belgium)
International Journal for Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, vol. 5 p. 523-542.

De Batist, M and Versteeg, WH (1999).
Seismic stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic in northern Belgium: main results of a high-resolution reflection seismic survey along rivers and canals
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 77 p. 17-37.

De Bie, P, Dubois, Y, and Grebeude, R (1999).
Système Wéron - Dellieux (1ère partie) + topo grand format (hors texte)
Regards,Spéléo Info, vol. 35 p. 2-21.

De Coninck, J (1999).
Appearances of dinoflagellate species recorded in the Tienen Formation (Landen Group) and in the Kortrijk Formation (Ieper Group) in the Belgian Basin. Their relation to transgression phases in the southern part of the North Sea Basin.
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, vol. 170,1 p. 77-84.

De Vos, W (1999).
Belgium,national ILP report. International lithosphere program
Secretariat of the Scientific Committee on the Lithosphere, vol. Annual report 1998 p. 57-58.

Debacker, TN, Sintubin, M, and Verniers, J (1999).
Cleavage/fold relationships in the Silurian metapelites,southeastern Anglo-Brabant fold belt (Ronquières,Belgium)
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 78/1 p. 47-56.

Dhondt, AV (1999).
Maastrichtian oysters in Faujas Saint-Fond's Histoire naturelle de la Montagne de Saint-Pierre de Maëstricht. In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 21.

Duliu, OG (1999).
Computer axial tomography in geosciences: an overview.
Earth Science Reviews, vol. 48 p. 265-281.

Dusar, M (1999).
Mining subsidence damage after colliery closure: surface expression of the Beringen fault,Campine coal basin (NE Belgium). Red. D. Dittrich,Trier (Southern Eifel),7th-8th May 1999
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Felder, PJ (1999).
Bioclasts in the Late Cretaceous of the Euregio.In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 22.

Felder, PJ, Keppens, E, Declercq, B, Normand, S, and Streel, M (1999).
Dinoflagellates,pollen,bioclasts,oxygen and carbon isotopic response to Milankovitch precession cycles and environmental...In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conferenc
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 23.

Gaviglio, P, Vandycke, S, Schroeder, C, Coulon, M, Bergerat, F, Dubois, C, and Pointeau, I (1999).
Matrix strains along normal fault planes in the Campanian White Chalk of Belgium: structural consequences
Tectonophysics, vol. 309 p. 41-56.

Gras, R and Geluk, M (1999).
Late Cretaceous - Early Tertiary sedimentation and tectonic inversion in the southern Netherlands
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 78/1 p. 1-19.

Heijlen, W, Muchez, P, Van Hoof, P, and Banks, D (1999).
Origin of Pb-Zn mineralising fluids in the Variscides of Belgium. In: Stanley et al (eds) Mineral deposits: processes to processing
Balkema, vol. 69-70 p. 869-872.

Hennebert, M (1999).
Milankovitch frequency-band bathymetric variations,as detected by correspondence analysis of the abundance data for benthic..In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conferenc
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 33.

Jagt, JWM and Felder, WM (1999).
The stratigraphic range of the index ammonite,Pachydiscus neubergicus (von Hauer,1858) in the Maastrichtian type area. In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 37-38.

Janssen, A, Swennen, R, Podoor, N, and Keppens, E (1999).
Biological and diagenetic influence in Recent and fossil tufa deposits from Belgium
Sedimentary geology, vol. 126 p. 75-95.

Juvigné, E, Renson V, and Semitita, P (1999).
Microprobe analyses of transparent heavy minerals of Belgian loess
Terrestrische Quartärgeologie, vol. p. 23-38.

Lebbe, L (1999).
Hydraulic parameter identification: Generalized Interpretation method for single and multiple pumping test
Springer Verlag, vol. p. 359 p.

Lebbe, L (1999).
Parameter identification in fresh-salt water flow based on borehole resistivities and fresh water heads in calibration of fresh-salt water flow
Advances in Water Resources, vol. 22(8) p. 791-806.

Louwye, S (1999).
New dinoflagellate cysts and one acritarch from the Upper Miocene Diest Formation,northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin)
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 107(1-2) p. 109-123.

Louwye, S, De Coninck, J, and Verniers, J (1999).
Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy and depositional history of Miocene and Pliocene formations in northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin)
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 78 p. 31-46.

Plesch, A and Oncken, O (1999).
Orogenic wedge growth during collision - constraints on mechanics of a fossil wedge from its kinematic record (Rhenohercynian FTB,Central Europe)
Tectonophysics, vol. 309 p. 117-139.

Robion, P, Averbuch, O, and Sintubin, M (1999).
Fabric development and metamorphic evolution of lower Palaeozoic slaty rocks from the Rocroi massif (French-Belgian Ardennes): new constraints from magnetic fibres,phyllosilicate preferred orientation and illite crystallinity data
Tectonophysics, vol. 309 p. 257-273.

Sintubin, M, Vandycke, S, and Camelbeeck, T (1999).
Preface. Palaeozoic to Recent tectonics in the NW European Variscan Front Zone
Tectonophysics, vol. 309 p. vii-ix.

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