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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Kenis, I, Muchez, P, Sintubin, M, Mansy, JL, and Lacquement, F (2000).
The use of a combined structural,stable isotope and fluid inclusion study to constrain the kinematic history at the northern variscan front zone (Bettrechies,northern France)
Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 22 p. 589-602.

Lebbe, L and Van Meir, N (2000).
Hydraulic conductivities of low sediments inferred from a triple pumping test and observed vertical gradients
Ground Water, vol. 38(1) p. 76-88.

Louwye, S, De Coninck, J, and Verniers, J (2000).
Shallow marine Lower and Middle Miocene deposits at the southern margin of the North Sea Basin (northern Belgium): dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and depositional history
Geological Magazine, vol. 137(4) p. 381-394.

Meghraoui, M, Camelbeeck, T, Vanneste, K, Brondeel, M, and Jongmans, D (2000).
Active faulting and paleoseismology along the Bree fault zone,Lower Rhine graben (Belgium)
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 105 p. 13,809-13,841.

Mostaert, F, Jacobs, P, and De Ceukelaire, M (2000).
Recent Initiatives in Regional Geological Cartography in Flanders – Part 3: The Quaternary geology map of Flanders
Congress on Regional Geological Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proc. 3 p. 219-221.

Muchez, P and Bechstädt, T (2000).
Palaeofluid flow and diagenesis during basin evolution
Sedimentary Geology, vol. 131 p.

Muchez, P, Sintubin, M, and Swennen, R (2000).
Origin and migration pattern of palaeofluids during orogeny: discussion on the Variscides of Belgium and northern France
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 69-70 p. 47-51.

Piessens, K, Muchez, P, Viaene, W, Boyce, A, De Vos, A, Sintubin, M, and Debacker, T (2000).
Alteration and fluid characteristics of a mineralised shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant belt,Belgium
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 69-70 p. 317-321.

Piessens, K, Muchez, P, Viaene, W, Boyce, A, De Vos, W, Sintubin, M, and Debacker, T (2000).
Structure,mineralisation,alteration and fluid characteristics of a high strain zone in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Anglo-Brabant belt,Belgium
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 69-70 p. 317-321.

Samuelsson, J and Verniers, J (2000).
Ordovician Chitinozoa Biozonation of the Brabant Massif,Belgium
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 113 p. 131-143.

Schroyen, K and Muchez, P (2000).
Evolution of metamorphic fluids at the Variscan fold-and-thrust belt in eastern Belgium
Sedimentary Geology, vol. 131 p. 163-180.

Sintubin, M, Kenis, I, Schroyen, K, Muchez, P, and Burke, E (2000).
Boudinage in the High-Ardenne slate belt ( Belgium ),reconsidered from the perspective of the interboudin veins
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 69-70 p. 511-516.

Steegen, A, Govers, G, Nachtergaele, J, Takken, I, Beuselinck, L, and Poesen, J (2000).
Sediment export by water from an agricultural catchment in the Loam Belt of Central Belgium
Geomorphology, vol. 33 p. 25-36.

Steemans, P (2000).
Miospore evolution from the Ordovician to the Silurian
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 113 p. 189-196.

Steemans, P (2000).
Annotations to the Devonian Correlation Table,B50di00: Miospore Palynology,Western Europe
Senckenbergiana Lethaea, vol. 80(2) p. 759-760.

Streel, M, Loboziak, S, Steemans, P, and Bultynck, P (2000).
Devonian miospore stratigraphy and correlation with the global stratotype sections and points. In: P. Bultynck (Editor),Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy. Fossil groups important for boundary definition
Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, vol. p. 9-23.

Van Balen, R, Houtgast, R, Van Der Wateren, F, Vandenberghe, J, and Bogaart, P (2000).
Sediment budget and tectonic evolution of the Meuse catchment in the Ardennes and the Roer Valley Rift System
Global and Planetary Change, vol. 27 p. 113-129.

Van Der Ham, RWJM (2000).
Zee-egels uit het vuursteeneluvium van Zuid-Limburg,de Voerstreek en het Aachener Wald
Grondboor en Hamer, vol. 54 p. 96-104.

Van Der Kemp, WJM, Appelo, CAJ, and Walraevens, K (2000).
Inverse chemical modeling and radiocarbon dating of palaeo-groundwaters: the Tertiary Ledo-Paniselian aquifer in Flanders,Belgium
Water Resources Research, vol. 36(5) p. 1277-1287.

Van Geet, M, Swennen, R, and Wevers, M (2000).
Quantitative analysis of reservoir rocks by microfocus X-ray computerised tomography.
Sedimentary Geology, vol. 132 p. 25-36.

Van Lancker, VRM and Jacobs, P (2000).
The dynamical behaviour of shallow-marine dunes. In: Proceedings of the "International Workshop on Marine Sandwave Dynamics" (A. TRENTESEAUX & T. GARLANT,eds
Université de Lille, vol. p. 213-220.

Boulvain, F, Bélanger, I, Delsate, D, Ghysel, P, Godefroit, P, Laloux, M, Monteyne, R, Roche, M, Teerlynck, H, and Thorze, J (1999).
New lithostratigraphical,sedimentological,paleontological and clay data on the Mesozoic of Belgian Lorraine. Red. D. Dittrich,Trier (Southern Eifel),7th-8th May 1999
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 1 p.

Brinkhuis, H, Dortangs, R, Jagt, J, and Smit, J (1999).
Field guide ENCI-Maastricht BV quarry (Maastricht) and Geulhemmerberg K/T boundary section (Geulhem,Berg en Terblijt). In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 26 p.

Bultynck, P and Hollevoet, C (1999).
The Eifelian - Givetian boundary and STRUVE's Middle Devonian Great Gap in the Couvin area (Ardennes,southern Belgium)
Senckenbergiana Lethaea, vol. 79 p. 3-11.

Burg, J (1999).
Ductile structures and instabilities: their implication for Variscan tectonics in the Ardennes
Tectonophysics, vol. 309 p. 1-25.

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