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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Vanneste, K and Verbeeck, K (2001).
Paleoseismological analysis of the Rurrand fault near Jülich,Roer Valley graben: Coseismic or aseismic faulting history?
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 80(3-4) p. 155-169.

Vanneste, K, Verbeeck, K, Camelbeeck, T, Paulissen, E, Meghraoui, M, Renardy, F, Jongmans, D, and Frechen, M (2001).
Surface-rupturing history of the Bree fault scarp,Roer Valley graben: Evidence for six events since the late Pleistocene
Journal of Seismology, vol. 5 p. 329-359.

Verstraeten, G and Poesen, J (2001).
Factors controlling sediment yield from small intensively cultivated catchments in a temperate humid climate
Geomorphology, vol. 40 p. 123-144.

Verstraeten, G and Poesen, J (2001).
Modelling the long-term sediment trap efficiency of small retention ponds
Hydrological Processes, vol. 15 p. 2797-2819.

Verstraeten, G and Poesen, J (2001).
Variability of dry sediment bulk density between and within retention ponds and its impact on the calculation of sediment yield
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 26 p. 375-394.

Verstraeten, G and Poesen, J (2001).
The importance of sediment characteristics and trap efficiency in assessing sediment yield using retention ponds
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol. part B,26 p. 83-87.

Walraevens, K, Van Camp, M, Lermytte, J, Van Der Kemp, WJM, and Loosli, HH (2001).
Pleistocene and Holocene groundwaters in the freshening Ledo-Paniselian aquifer in Flanders,Belgium. Palaeowaters in Coastal Europe: evolution of groundwater since the late Pleistocene
Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. 189 p. 49-70.

Atakan, K, Midzi, V, Moreno Toiran, B, Vanneste, K, Camelbeeck, T, and Meghraoui, M (2000).
Seismic hazard in regions of present day low seismic activity: uncertainties in the paleoseismic investigations along the Bree Fault Scarp (Roer Graben,Belgium)
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 20 p. 415-427.

Aubry, M (2000).
Where should the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Paleocene/Eocene boundary be located?
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, vol. 171/4 p. 461-476.

Basse, M, Bender, P, Blumenstengel, H, Bultynck, P, Burrow, CJ, Coen-Aubert, M, Horn, M, Murphy, MA, Pedder, AEH, Schraut, G, Steemans, P, and Turner, S (2000).
Supplements 2000. In: K. Weddige (Editor),Devonian correlation table
Senckenbergiana Lethaea, vol. p. 691-726.

Beuselinck, L, Steegen, A, Govers, G, Nachtergaele, J, Takken, I, and Poesen, J (2000).
Characteristics of sediment deposits formed by major rainfall events in small agricultural catchments in the Belgian Loam Belt
Geomorphology, vol. 32 p. 69-82.

Blieck, A, Cloutier, R, Elliot, DK, Goujet, D, Loboziak, S, Reed, RC, Rodina, O, Steemans, P, Valiukevicius, JJ, V'Yushkova, L, Yolkin, EA, and Young, VT (2000).
Biostratigraphical correlations of Early Devonian vertebrate assemblages of the Old Red Sandstone Continent. In: A. Blieck and S. Turner (Editors),Palaeozoic vertebrate biochronology and global marine/non-marine correlation (final report IGCP 328)
Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, vol. p. 223-269.

Boekschoten, GJ (2000).
Maastrichtien: tijdmaat en overvloed
Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, vol. 89 p. 21.

Camelbeeck, T, Alexandre, P, Vanneste, K, and Meghraoui, M (2000).
Long-term seismicity in regions of present day low seismic activity : the example of western Europe
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 20 p. 405-414.

Craenen, H, Van Ranst, E, Tack, FMG, and Verloo, MG (2000).
Calculation and mapping of critical loads of sulfur and nitrogen in Flanders,Belgium
The Science of the Total Environment,Elsevier, vol. 254 p. 55-64.

De Ceukelaire, M, Jacobs, P, Sevens, E, and Mostaert, F (2000).
Recent Initiatives in Regional Geological Cartography in Flanders – Part 1: ‘Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV)ʼ: the geological information system of the subsoil of the Flemish Region
Congress on Regional Geological Cartography and Information Systems, vol. Proc. 3 p. 79-81.

Degryse, P and Brulet, R (2000).
Les plaques à alvéoles de Bavay: étude archéométrique
Revue du Nord, vol. 82 p. 27-34.

Delage, P, Sultan, N, and Cui, YJ (2000).
On the thermal consolidation of Boom clay
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 37 (2) p. 343-354.

Demoulin, A, Vliegen, B, and Charlier, R (2000).
Tectonic vs shallow origin of geodetically inferred ground movements : a NE Ardenne (Belgium) case
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 181 p. 217-228.

Dubarry De Lassale, J (2000).
Identification des marbres
Ed. H. Vial, vol. p. 1-303.

Dusar, M (2000).
Geophysical reconnaissance of the Feldbiss fault system in Northeastern Belgium. Red. NITG-TNO,Almelo (The Netherlands),19-20 May 2000
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. 5 p. 2 p.

Heijlen, W, Muchez, P, Banks, D, and Nielsen, P (2000).
Origin and geochemical evolution of synsedimentary,syn- and post-tectonic high-salinity fluids at the Variscan thrust front in Belgium
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 69-70 p. 149-152.

Jagt, JWM (2000).
Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeogene echinoderms and the K/T boundary in the southeast Netherlands and northeast Belgium - Part 4: Echinoids
Scripta Geologica, vol. 121 p. 181-375.

Jongmans, D, Hemroulle, P, Demanet, D, Renardy, F, and Vanbrabant, Y (2000).
Application of 2D electrical and seismic tomography techniques for investigating landslides
European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, vol. 5 p. 75-89.

K., VC, I., G, De Breuck, W, and Walraevens, K (2000).
Identification and quantification of 77 pesticides in groundwater using solid phase coupled to liquid-liquid microextraction and reversed phase liquid chromatography
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 72(42) p. 3093-3103.

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