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biblio nw 9000 - 9999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 994 references in this bibliography folder.

Yans, J and et al (2003).
An overview of the saprolites of Belgium and their potential kaolinitic supplies to Mesozoic and Cainozoic sediments
Géologie de la France, vol. 2003(1) p. 33-37.

Baeteman, C, Scott, DB, and Van Strydonck, M (2002).
Changes in coastal zone processes at a high sea-level stand: a late Holocene example from Belgium.
Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 17 (5-6) p. 547-559.

Boni, M, Muchez, P, and Schneider, J (2002).
Permo-Mesozoic multiple fluid flow and ore deposits in Sardinia: a comparison with post-Variscan mineralization of Western Europe. In: Blundell,D.J.,Neubauer,F. & Von Quadt,A. (eds.),The timing and location of major ore deposits in an evolving oroge
Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. 204 p. 199-211.

Camelbeeck, T, Van Camp, M, Jongmans, D, Francis, O, and Van Dam, T (2002).
Comment on «Nature of the recent vertical ground movements inferred from high-precision leveling data in an intraplate setting: NE Ardenne,Belgium" by A. Demoulin and A. Collignon
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107/B p. 2001JB000397.

Collin, F, Cui, YJ, Schroeder, C, and Charlier, R (2002).
Mechanical behaviour of Lixhe chalk partly saturated by oil and water : experiment and modelling
Int. J. of Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., vol. 26 p. 897-924.

Demoulin, A and Collignon, A (2002).
Reply to comment by T. Camelbeeck et al. on« Nature of the recent vertical ground movements inferred from high-precision leveling data in an intraplate setting: NE Ardenne,Belgium"
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107/B p. 2282 ETG7 - 1-5.

Devleeschouwer, X, Delforge, X, Decupere, B, Roche, M, and Hance, L (2002).
Coal heritage from southern Belgium: a preservation and computerized management of coal concessions data. Proceedings of the 4th European Coal Conference,Ustron Poland
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, vol. 7 p. 79-86.

Dewaele, S, Boven, A, and Muchez, P (2002).
40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of mesothermal,orogenic mineralization in a low-angle reverse shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt,Belgium
Applied Earth Science ( Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy B), vol. 111 p. 215-220.

Gullentops, F and Meijs, EPM (2002).
Loess sequence in Northern Haspengouw,Belgian Limburg. In: Ikinger,A. & Schirmer,W.,eds. Loess units and soil complexes in the Niederrhein and Maas area
Terra Nostra, vol. 2002 p. 80-91.

Hance, L, Devuyst, F, and Poty, E (2002).
Sequence stratigraphy of the Belgian Lower Carboniferous - Tentative correlation with the British Isles. In L.V. Hills,C.M. Henderson and E.W Bamber (editors),Carboniferous and Permian of the world
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists,Memoir, vol. 19 p. 41-51.

Hooyberghs, H, Moorkens, T, and Wouters, K (2002).
Ypresian biostratigraphy based on Foraminifera,Ostracoda and other biota of the Ampe Outcrop Section at Egem (NW Belgium). In: K. Gürs (ed.)
Proceedings of the 8th Biannual Joint Meeting Regional Committees on Northern Neogene Stratigraphy,Northern Paleogene Stratigraphy, vol. 2-4 october 2001,Salzau Castle,Kiel,G p. 15-45.

Kenis, I, Sintubin, M, Muchez, P, and Burke, EAJ (2002).
The "boudinage" question in the High-Ardenne Slate belt (Belgium): a combined structural and fluid inclusion approach
Tectonophysics, vol. 348 p. 93-110.

Labaume, P, Craw, D, Lespinasse, M, and Muchez, P (2002).
Tectonic processes and the flow of mineralising fluids
Tectonophysics, vol. 348 p.

Meijs, EPM (2002).
Loess stratigraphy in Dutch and Belgian Limburg
Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, vol. 51 p. 114-130.

Muchez, P (2002).
Contrasting explanations for Zn-Pb ore deposits across Europe
Society of Economic Geologists Newsletter, vol. 49,15 p. 18-19.

Nachtergaele, J and Poesen, J (2002).
Spatial and temporal variations in resistance of loess-derived soils to ephemeral gully erosion
European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 53 p. 449-464.

Nachtergaele, J, Poesen, J, Oostwoud Wijdenes, D, and Vandekerckhove, L (2002).
Medium-term evolution of a gully developed in a loess-derived soil
Geomorphology, vol. 46 p. 223-239.

Nachtergaele, J, Poesen, J, Sidorchuk, A, and Torri, D (2002).
Prediction of concentrated flow width in ephemeral gully channels
Hydrological Processes, vol. 16 p. 1935-1953.

Neirynck, J, Van Ranst, E, Roskams, P, and Lust, N (2002).
Impact of decreasing throughfall depositions on soil solution chemistry at coniferous monitoring sites in northern Belgium
Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 160 p. 127-142.

Piessens, K, Muchez, P, Dewaele, S, Boyce, A, De Vos, W, Sintubin, M, Debacker, TN, Burke, EAJ, and Viaene, W (2002).
Fluid flow,alteration and polysulphide mineralisation associated with a low-angle reverse shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt,Belgium
Tectonophysics, vol. 348 p. 73-92.

Poty, E (2002).
Interstitial tabellae : a new type of Tabellae developed between highly thickened septa in Rugosa
Coral Research Bulletin, vol. 7 p. 167-173.

Quinif, Y and Quinif, G (2002).
Méthodes et éléments de cartographie d'un paléokarst
Karstologia, vol. 39 p. 1-8.

Steemans, P, Servais, T, and Streel, M (2002).
Paleozoïc Palynology: a special issue in honour of Dr. Stanislas Loboziak
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 118 (1-4) p. 426 p.

Steemans, P, Servais, T, and Streel, M (2002).
Dr. Stanislas Loboziak retired. In: P. Steemans,T. Servais and M. Streel (Editors),Paleozoïc Palynology: a special issue in honour of Dr. Stanislas Loboziak
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. p. vii-viii.

Van Bakel, BWM, Jagt, JWM, and Fraaije, RHB (2002).
Ciliopagurus obesus,a new species of Oligocene hermit crab from northwest Belgium
Cainozoic Research, vol. 2 p. 109-116.

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