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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 9000 - 9999 / Excursion guide for the field trips D (26 September 1978) and H (1 October 1978). Lithology and stratigraphy of Oligocene of the Belgium provinces Limburg and Brabant. Paläontologische Gesellschaft and Palaeontological Society

A. W Janssen, M. C Cadée, V. WM Van Hinsbergh, and P.A.M Gaemers (1978)

Excursion guide for the field trips D (26 September 1978) and H (1 October 1978). Lithology and stratigraphy of Oligocene of the Belgium provinces Limburg and Brabant. Paläontologische Gesellschaft and Palaeontological Society

Paläontologische Gesellschaft & Palaeontological Society, vol. Joint annual meeting Maastricht p. 47 p.

09718, .90, .93, 104, 107, VB, Li, BRAB3, OLIG, LIVEX, SON, STRA

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