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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 9000 - 9999 / Subsidence in coastal lowlands due to groundwater withdrawal : the geological approach. In: Finkl,Ch. Jr. (Ed.) : Coastal Hazards: perception,suseptibility and mitigation.1994

C Baeteman (1994)

Subsidence in coastal lowlands due to groundwater withdrawal : the geological approach. In: Finkl,Ch. Jr. (Ed.) : Coastal Hazards: perception,suseptibility and mitigation.1994

Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 12 (Special Issue) p. 61-75.

09504, .35, .36, .50, .51, .65, .66, W, KUST, HOL, REC, HAZ

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