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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 9000 - 9999 / The geometry of the Rupelian and Chattian depositional bodies in the Lower Rhine district and its border area: implications for Oligocene lithostratigraphy.

H Hager, N Vandenberghe, M Van Den Bosch, M Abraham, F Von Der Hocht, K Rescher, P Laga, E Nickel, A Verstraelen, S Leroi, and R. JW Van Leeuwen (1998)

The geometry of the Rupelian and Chattian depositional bodies in the Lower Rhine district and its border area: implications for Oligocene lithostratigraphy.

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 45 p. 53-62.

09103, .49, .62, .78, Li, RVG, CAMP3, OLIG, SEDICL, STRATSEQ

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