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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Boulvain, A and Vandenberghe, N (2017).
An Introduction to the Geology of Belgium and Luxembourg. In: A. Demoulin (ed.) Landscapes and Landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg.
World Geomorphological Landscapes series, vol. 10.1007/978-3-319-58239-9 p. 9-33.

Boulvain, F, Belanger, I, Colbach, R, Dechamps, S, Delsate, D, Deligny, D, Ghysel, P, Michel, J, Philippo, S, and Ramlot, B (2017).
New sedimentological data from Triassic to Jurassic boreholes (Bonnert, Haebicht, Grouft, Grund, Consdorf) and sections (Tontelange, Differdange, Rumelange) from Southern Belgium and Luxembourg
Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper, vol. 319 p. 43 p.

Abstracts of communications presented at the ‘Master Dayʼ meeting, Brussels – 21.10.2016. Quantification of complex mixtures using thePONKCS-assisted Rietveld refinement method
Geologica Belgica, vol. 20/3-4 p. 189.

Cabus (v.u.), P (2017).
20 jaar Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen
DOV, vol. p. 42 p.

Carlier, K, De Bie, P, and Van Houtte, A (2017).
De laatste actieve mijn van België. Mine de Vedrin produceert geen ertsen maar drinkwater.
Spelerpes, Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen, vol. Jg 40 - deecember 2017 p. 15-21.

Cettour, D (2017).
Musée:Le magma en pleine effervescence. / Museum. Het magma in volle uitbarsting (Florence Peltier)
Le Mausolée - Pierre Actual Belgique, vol. 52 p. 11-16.

Chen, G and Dizier, AALXAVJABWASXALS (2017).
P106. Evolution of in-situ permeability around the connecting and PRACLAY galleries in the HADES URF. In: The 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Davos, 24-27.9.2017
Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement., vol. Abstract Book p. 427-428.

Chen, W, Gong, X, Ma, Z, Yu, Y, and Li, H (2017).
P128. Temperature effect on the drained creep behavior of Boom Clay. In: The 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Davos, 24-27.9.2017
Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement., vol. Abstract Book p. 472-474.

Cordier, S (2017).
De botten van de Borinage: de iguanodons van Bernissart
Uitgeverij Vrijdag, vol. p. 183 p.

Costantini, F, Tourneur, F, De Ceukelaire, M, Hupin, C, Marchi, C, and Hambye, D (2017).
GEO-logue + STONE. 17/11/2017>17/01/2018 Exposition by Pierres et Marbres de Wallonie
Pierres & Marbres de Wallonie, vol. p. 24 p.

Creemers, G and Dreesen, R (2017).
De mysterieuze stenenconcentraties van Diepenbeek: een Limburgs “Stonehenge” of natuurfenomeen?
Provinciaal Natuurcentrum Limburg, vol. Natuuronderzoek Limburg 2017 p. 2-25.

Danis, D (2017).
Etude de la stabilité des ouvrages nécessaires à la conception dʼune centrale hydroélectrique de pompage-turbinage de faible capacité utilisant une carrière
Université de Mons,Faculté Polytechnique,Mines - Géologie, vol. travail de fin d'études p.

De Bie, P (2017).
Het Systeem Fagoules - Buc in Awagne
Spelerpes,Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen, vol. Jaargang 40 - juni 2017 p. 4-51 + ann.

De Broyer, C and Fanuel, G (2017).
Merci Georges! (Thys)
Eco Karst, vol. n° 108,juin 2017 p. 33.

De Ceukelaire, M (2017).
Geologie op de begraafplaats. In: Tamara Ingels, red. Memento Mori. De begraafplaats als educatieve ruimte.
Academic & Scientific Publishers, vol. 08. p. 72-85.

De Ceukelaire, M (2017).
Dossier Pijntoren: Natuursteen in de Pijntoren.
Gerardimontium, vol. 275 p. 14-16.

De Ceukelaire, M and Dusar, M (2017).
Daguitstap 'Steen van eigen bodem' Amarant Natuursteen- en groeventocht in de Maasvallei,vrijdag 14.7.2017
Amarant vzw Gent, vol. p. 12 p.

De Ceukelaire, M and Dusar, M (2017).
Amarant groeventocht Daguitstap. Steen van eigen bodem. Soignies - Lessines - Oostvlaamse dorpskerken, zaterdag 17.6.2017
Amarant vzw Gent, vol. p. 8 p.

De Ceukelaire, M, Doperé, F, Dreesen, R, Dusar, M, Janssens, H, Tourneur, F, Peltier, F, Barbier, J, and Van de gehuchte, E (2017).
De abdij van Averbode, een verhaal van steen en marmer.
Uitgeverij Averbode / Erasme, vol. p. 187 p.

De Cleene, D and De Clercq, M (2017).
Fossielenjacht in de Noordzee: Walrussen en oerwalvissen in de Noordzee
EOS maandblad over wetenschap, vol. nr 9,augustus 2017 p.24-29.

De Clercq, W, Dreesen, R, Dumolyn, J, Leloup, W, and Trachet, J (2017).
Ballasting the Hanse: Baltoscandian Erratic Cobbles in the Later Medieval Port Landscape of Bruges
European Journal of Archaeology, vol. doi:10.1017/eaa.2017.2 p. 27 p.

De Nil, K and De Ceukelaire, M (2017).
Lithostratigraphy Ieper Group. A practical guide to identify a lithostratigraphic unit in the Ieper Group
Department of Environment and Spatial Development & Museum, vol. flyer p. 4 p.

Declercq, P and Pierre Gerard, EPPWD (2017).
Subsidence related to groundwater pumping for breweries in Merchtem area (Belgium),highlighted by Persistent Scaterrer Interferometry
Int Journal of Applied Earth Obs Geoinformation, vol. 63 p. 178-185.

Dejonghe, L, Colbach, R, and Goemaere, E (2017).
The lithostratigraphy of the lower Devonian formations of the Eisleck region (northern Luxembourg). Comparison with their Belgian lateral equivalents
Geologica Belgica, vol. 37276 p. 33-42.

Delloye, F (2017).
Les "polluants émergents" et les nappes wallonnes
Eco Karst, vol. n° 108,juin 2017 p. 23-25.

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