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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

F., P and M., E (1987).
Variations de la température des eaux de sources et de leurs débits en fonction de leur mode d'alimentation. Exemples pris en Lorraine belge.
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, vol. 22-23 p. 161-172.

Hemerijckx, E, Carpentier, R, De Schrijver, P, Henriet, JP, Heldens, P, and Maertens, J (1987).
R.O.L.O. Scheldetunnel
T.V. Antwerpse Bouwwerken Verbeeck,Franki,S.B.B.M. en Six Construct,Wayss & Freytag, vol. p. 82 p.

Van Burm, P (1987).
Bezoek aan de pre-metrowerf Antwerpen Linkeroever. Schets van de geologische en hydrologische gesteldheid van de Antwerpse agglomeratie
Belgisch Comité voor Ingenieursgeologie - Comité belge de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, vol. p. 17 p.

Van Rooijen, P (1987).
Hydrogeological investigation in OPAC-borehole near Geverik. Red. T. Krans & H. van de Laar,Heerlen,Geological Bureau,May 8-9th,1987
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 18.

Cnudde, J (1986).
Les roches et les minéraux
CSTC Notes d'information technique - WTCB Technische Voorlichting, vol. 163 p. 24 p.

Cnudde, JP (1986).
Deskundig verslag dossier 100. Zaak A.R. 1270/86 Van Huychem - pvba Alwak
vertrouwelijk verslag, vol. p. 15 p.

Felder, PJ and Bless, MJM (1986).
Geologie Zuid-Limburg en omgeving.
Grondboor en Hamer, vol. jrg. 40,no. 5 p. 163-184.

Jagt, JWM (1986).
Note on the occurrence of ? Amphiura senonensis Valette,1915 (Echinodermata,Ophiuroidea) in Early Palaeocene (Danian) deposits of the Belgian province of Limburg
Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, vol. 23 (3) p. 91-98.

specified, Nn (1986).
Liste des publications du Professeur Beugnies
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, vol. 105 p. 153-154.

Beyens, L (1985).
On the subboreal climate of the Belgian Campine as deduced from diatom and testate amoebae analyses
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 46 p. 9-31.

Dandois, P (1985).
Extension de la zone métamorphique suivant un axe nord-sud dans la partie occidentale des Ardennes
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 35.

Darimont, A (1985).
Fluid inclusion study
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 41.

De Bruyn, A (1985).
Hydrogeologische studie van de stad Antwerpen
thesis RUG Geologisch Instituut (licentiaatsverhandeling), vol. p. 154 pp.

De Ceukelaire, M (1985).
Hydrogeologische studie van de periferie van de stad Antwerpen (Deel II: Platen)
thesis RUG Geologisch Instituut (licentiaatsverhandeling), vol. p. –.

De Ceukelaire, M (1985).
Hydrogeologische studie van de periferie van de stad Antwerpen (Deel I)
thesis RUG Geologisch Instituut (licentiaatsverhandeling), vol. p. 190 pp.

Demaret-Fairon, M, Dusar, M, and Streel, M (1985).
Permian stratigraphy in the Campine Basin
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 31.

Demoulin, A (1985).
Surfaces d'érosion et tectonique cénozoïqie sur le Plateau des Hautes Fagnes
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 53.

Denys, L (1985).
Diatom analysis of an Atlantic-Subboreal core from Slijpe (Western Belgian coastal plain)
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 46 p. 33-53.

Dreesen, R and Streel, M (1985).
A new event-stratigraphical marker bed in the uppermost Devonian of the Ardenno-Rhenish Massif.
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 20-21.

Dusar, M and Meyskens, M (1985).
Steenkoolverkenning Neeroeteren – Rotem – boringen KB 110 – 113 – 117: litholog en kolengehalte
Belgische Geologische Dienst, vol. Intern rapport p. 41 p.

Dusar, M, Meyskens, M, Bless, MJM, Somers, Y, and Streel, M (1985).
The Westphalian C-D strata in the northeastern Campine. Possibilities for seam to seam correlations.
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 29-30.

Felder, PJ, Bless, MJM, Demyttenaere, R, Dusar, M, Meessen, JPMT, and Robaszynski, F (1985).
Upper Cretaceous to early Tertiary deposits (Santonian - Paleocene) in northeastern Belgium and South Limburg (the Netherlands) with reference to the Campanian - Maastrichtian
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 51.

Ferguson, DK (1985).
Rogier Vanhoorne - An appreciation
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 46 p. 1-7.

Fermont, WJJ and Van De Laar, JGM (1985).
Investigations of the Upper Carboniferous in the Netherlands
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 27-28.

Gerrienne, P (1985).
Lower Devonian plant stratigraphy
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. Liège,May 24-25th 1985 p. Abstracts 13.

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