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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Viersen, AP and Prescher, H (2008).
Devonian Proetidae (Trilobita) from the Ardennes Massif (Belgium,N France) and the Eifel Hills (W Germany). In: Steurbaut,E.; Jagt,J.W.M. & Jagt-Yazikova,E.A. (eds.) Annie Dhondt Memorial Volume
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Sciences de la Terre, vol. 78 p. 9-29.

Vandemoortel, K(PVdh and Vandenberghe), D (2008).
Geochronologisch onderzoek met de luminescentie-dateringsmethode van de Midden-Pleistocene loessafzettingen te Vroenhoven (Limburg
thesis UG, Fac. Wetenschappen, MSc Geologie, vol. p.

Vandenberghe, J (2008).
The fluvial cycle at cold–warm–cold transitions in lowland regions: A refinement of theory.
Geomorphology, vol. 98 (3-4) p. 275–284.

Vanwalleghem, T, Van Den Eeckhaut, M, Poesen, J, Govers, G, and Deckers, J (2008).
Spatial analysis of factors controlling the presence of closed depressions and gullies under forest: application of rare event logistic regression.
Geomorphology, vol. 95 p. 504-517.

Wastiaux, C (2008).
Les tourbières sont-elles des éponges régularisant lʼécoulement ?
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, vol. 50 p. 57-66.

Demoulin, A, Bovy, B, Rixhon, G, and Cornet, Y (2007).
An automated method to extract fluvial terraces from digital elevation models: the Vesdre Valley, a case study in eastern Belgium.
Geomorphology, vol. 91 p. 51-64.

Dethier, M (2007).
Les invertébrés des carrières souterraines de craie du nord-est de la Belgique
Bulletin des Chercheurs de la Wallonie, vol. 46 p. 73-95.

Devos, Y, Fechner, K, Vrydaghs, L, Degraeve, A, and Deligne, F (2007).
Contribution of archaeopedology to the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of (pre-)urban sites at Brussels (Belgium). The example of the Treurenberg site.
Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, vol. Mem.,Serie A,112 p. 145-151.

Geluk, MC (2007).
Triassic. In: Wong,T.E.; Batjes,D.A.J. & de Jager,J.,eds. Geology of the Netherlands
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, vol. p. 85-106.

Jagt, JWM, Dortangs, R, Simon, E, and Van Knippenberg, P (2007).
First record of the ichnofossil Podichnus centrifugalis from the Maastrichtian of northeast Belgium
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Sciences de la Terre, vol. 77 p. 95-105.

Mabille, C and Boulvain, F (2007).
Sedimentology and magnetic susceptibility of the Upper Eifelian - Lower Givetian (Middle Devonian) in SW Belgium: insights into carbonate platform initiation.
Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. 275 p. 109-123.

Miller, R, Stewart, JS, and Otte, M (2007).
Résultats préliminaires de lʼétude de la séquence paléolithique au Trou AlʼWesse (comm. De Modave).
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 27 p. 41-49.

SALMON, M, OZER, A, and PISSART, A (2007).
Les images satellitaires prises en périodes de sécheresse, outil utile pour la cartographie géologique de la Belgique
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, vol. 49 p. 67-74.

Silvertant, J (2007).
De mergelgroeven en hun plaats in de Europese mijnbouwgeschiedenis.
Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg. SOK mededelingen, vol. 47 p. 2-29.

specified, Nn (2007).
A regional review of the Dinantian Carbonate Play: Southern North Sea & Onshore UK. A report prepared for UK DBERR
Total E&P UK, vol. UK-REG-0278.FH p. 29 p. + fig.

van Bergen, F, Pagnier, H, and van Tongeren, P (2007).
Peat, coal and coalbed methane. In: Th.E. Wong, D.A.J. Batjes & J. de Jager eds. Geology of the Netherlands.
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, vol. p. 265-282.

Les inondations en région liégeoise : étude basée sur les interventions des services dʼincendie et les Archives du démergement
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, vol. 49 p. 41-51.

Van den Bleeken, G, Corteel, C, and Van den haute, P (2007).
Epigenetic to low-grade tourmaline in the Gdoumont metaconglomerates (Belgium): A sensitive probe of its chemical environment of formation.
Lithos, vol. 95, 1-2 p. 165-176.

Van den Borre, N(ME and Claeys), P (2007).
Petrografische en geochemische karakterisatie van de "Mont Dieu meteoriet"
thesis UG, Fac. Wetenschappen, MSc Geologie, vol. p.

Van Viersen, AP (2007).
Kettneraspis,Radiaspis and Ceratarges (Trilobita) from the Middle Devonian of the Rochefort area (Ardennes,Belgium)
Scripta Geologica, vol. 134 p. 1-18.

Vandenberghe, D, Derese, C, and Houbrechts, G (2007).
Residual doses in recent alluvial sediments from the Ardenne (S-Belgium).
Geochronometria, vol. 28 p. 1-8.

Crombé, P (2006).
Van toendrajager tot jager-visser-boer
Belgeo (Belgian Journal of Geography, Revue belge de Géographie, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Geografie), vol. 2006-3 p. 295-306.

de Kraker, AM (2006).
Historical cimatology, 1950-2006. An overview of a developing science with a focus on the Low Countries
Belgeo (Belgian Journal of Geography, Revue belge de Géographie, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Geografie), vol. 2006-3 p. 307-338.

De Paepe, P (2006).
Samenstelling en herkomst van enkele natuurstenen kanonkogels uit de opgravingen van de Artillerietoren in Kortrijk. In: Despriet, Ph., Goddeeris, T., De Paepe, P., Demeyere, J. en A., & Gautier, A. (eds): Kortrijk 1302. De artillerietoren.
Archeologische en historische Monografiën van Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, vol. 61 p. 83-87.

Dumoulin, P and Polrot, F (2006).
Géomorphologie karstique entre la Hof Huset et Eyneburg (La Calamine,Nord-Est de la Wallonie).
Regards,Spéléo Info, vol. 62 p. 12-23.

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