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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Bonniver, I, Rekk, S, Eugène, M, Mahy, G, Bock, L, and Hallet, V (2015).
Geologische & pedologische wandelingen in de province Namen. Geologisch en bodemkundig patrimonium in de provincie Namen 500 miljoen jaar landschapsvorming. Route van de Vallei van de Orneau.
Presses universitaires de Namur, vol. p. 38 p.

BOULVAIN, F and PINGOT, J (2015).
Genèse du sous-sol de la Wallonie. 2° édition,revue et augmentée
Académie royale de Belgique,Mémoire de la Classe des Sciences, vol. coll. In-8°,IV° série,tome V p. 208 p.

Brion, N, Elskens, M, De Brabandere, L, and Dehairs, F (2015).
Past and present carbon dynamics in the Scheldt estuary as traced by changes in C speciation and isotopes. In: 13th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium,Bordeaux,7-10/06/2015
International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium (IEBS), vol. Book of Anstracts p. p. 19.

Bultreys, T, De Boever, W, and Cnudde, V (2015).
Imaging and image-based fluid transport modeling at the pore scale in geological materials: A practical introduction to the current state-of-the-art
Earth Science Reviews, vol. p.

Casier, JG, Maillet, S, Kasimi, R, and Préat, A (2015).
Late Eifelian and Early Givetian Ostracods from Wellin,Hotton and On-Jemelle (Dinant Synclinorium,Belgium). Paleoenvironmental implications.
Revue de Micropaléontologie, vol. 58 p. 287-308.

Chabot, A (2015).
Book review: Alain DASSARGUES & Kristine WALRAEVENS (Eds),2014. Watervoerende lagen en grondwater in België - Aquifères et eaux souterraines en Belgique. Academia Press,Gent.
Geologica Belgica, vol. 38035 p. 166.

Deckers, J (2015).
Decoupled extensional faulting and forced folding in the southern part of the Roer Valley Graben, Belgium.
Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 81 p. 125-134.

Deckers, J (2015).
The Paleocene stratigraphic records in the Central Netherlands and close surrounding basins: highlighting the different responses to a late Danian change in stress regime within the Central European Basin System.
Tectonophysics, vol. 659 p. 102-108.

Delcambre, B and Pingot, J (2015).
Carte géologique de Wallonie,Namur - Champion,47/5-6,1/25.000. Notice explicative
MRW,DGRNE, vol. 47/3-4 p. 95 p.

Dusar, M (2015).
De zee kwam tot aan Stayen
Stayen, vol. 19 maart 2015 p. 2 p.

Frippiat, C, Veschkans, M, Van Massenhove, J, and Pacyna, D (2015).
A risk-based method for the design of monitoring networks for surface gas emanations from abandoned underground coal mines.
Environmental Earth Science (Environmental Geology), vol. 73-5 p. 2061-2078.

Gunst, P (2015).
Schoep, Alfred (1881-1966). Laatst gewijzigd 01.04.2015.
Ugent Memorie, vol. p. 2 p.

Gunst, P (2015).
Billiet, Valère (1903-1945). Laatst gewijzigd 24.02.2015.
Ugent Memorie, vol. p. 3 p.

Jennekens, P, Willems, F, Magnee, R, and Hageman, J (2015).
De Grote Berg (van Zussen); zijn ingangen en de bijbehorende stelsels.
Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg. SOK mededelingen, vol. 62 p. 1-32.

Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, vol. 65 p. 27-50.

Laenen, B, Sneyers, S, and Hendrickx, J (2015).
Stappenplan voor de ontwikkeling en implementatie van geothermie als duurzame,stabiele en betaalbare bron van warmte en elektriciteit in Vlaanderen. Eindrapport EFRO-project 910: GEOTHERMIE 2020. https://….efro910\_brochuregeothermie2020\_website.pdf
VITO, vol. p. 57 p.

Miller, R, Stewart, J, Knul, M, Waersegers, Y, Noiret, P, and Wilkinson, K (2015).
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition at Trou AlʼWesse: A preliminary overview of stratigraphic units 17 to 15
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 35/2015 p. 25-34.

Nguyen, XP, Yinghui, C, Anh-Minh, T, Li, X, and Wouters, L (2015).
On the hydromechanical behaviour of Ypresian clays
Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement., vol. 6th Clay Conference Brussels p.

Nguyen, XP, Yinghui, C, Anh-Minh, T, Yongfeng, D, Li, X, and Wouters, L (2015).
Preliminary comparative study on petrophysical and hydromechanical properties of Boom Clay and Ypresian clays
Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement., vol. 6th Clay Conference Brussels p.

Plante, A, De Brabandere, L, Fripiat, F, Deman, F, Brion, N, Fonseca Pereira Batista, D, and Dehairs, F (2015).
Seasonal evolution of the River Scheldt nitrate isotopic composition. In: Goldschmidt 2015 Prague CZ August 16-21. 2015
Goldschmidt Conference, vol. p.

Prignon, J (2015).
Des plans de gestion pour les sites archéologiques du camp fortifié néolithique de « Boitsfort-Έtangs » et des Tumuli à Watermael-Boitsfort (BE)
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 35/2015 p. 77-93.

Prime, N, Levasseur, S, Miny, L, Collin, F, Charlier, R, and Léonard, A (2015).
Drying-induced shrinkage of Boom clay: an experimental investigation
Can. Geotech. J., vol. 52: p.

specified, Nn (2015).
Pierres & Marbres de Wallonie. 25 ans au service de la filière pierre / Pierres & Marbres de Wallonie. 25 jaar ten dienste van de steenindustrie
Le Mausolée - Pierre Actual Belgique, vol. N° 46 p. 18-22.

Van Gils, M, Noens, G, and Van Baelen, A (2015).
Een ftanietrijke mesolithische vindplaats te Meeuwen Monnikswijer (Limburg,BE)
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 35/2015 p. 289-304.

Van Viersen, AP (2015).
Trilobites du Dévonien des Ardennes (zone rhéno-hercynienne): biostratigraphie,évolution et évènements
Fossiles,Revue française de Paléontologie, vol. 24 p. 5-24.

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