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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Sergant, J, Vandendriessche, H, Noens, G, Cruz, F, Allemeersch, L, Aluwé, K, Jacops, J, Wuyts, F, Windey, S, Depaepe, I, Herremans, D, Laloo, P, and Crombé, P (2016).
Opgraving van een mesolithische wetlandsite te Kerkhove ‘Stuwʼ (Avelgem,West-Vlaanderen,BE). Eerste resultaten
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 36/2016 p. 47-57.

Sevenants, W (2016).
Ontstaan en evolutie van het landschap op en rond de Everberg
Curtenberg,Erfgoedhuis Kortenberg, vol. Jg. 25 - nr. 5 p. 178-181.

Sevenants, W (2016).
Over een luchtkasteel,een mysterieuze kapel en een oud verbrand hof
Curtenberg,Erfgoedhuis Kortenberg, vol. Jg. 25 - nr. 5 p. 164-171.

Sevenants, W (2016).
Zoektocht naar een middeleeuws kasteel,kerk en boerderij op en rond de Everberg
Curtenberg,Erfgoedhuis Kortenberg, vol. Jg. 25 - nr. 5 p. 156-159.

Sevenants, W (2016).
Voorkomen en gebruik van Diestiaanse ijzerzandsteen in Everberg.
Curtenberg,Erfgoedhuis Kortenberg, vol. Jg. 25 - nr. 5 p. 212-216.

Siedenberg, K, Strauss, H, and Littke, R (2016).
Multiple sulfur isotopes (δ34S, Δ33S) and trace elements (Mo, U, V) reveal changing palaeoenvironments in the red mid-Carboniferous Chokier Formation, Belgium
Chemical Geology, vol. 441, 47-62.

Sintubin, M (2016).
Les Blancs Cailloux,aderkwartsvoorkomens in de Ardennen (B)
Gea, vol. december 2016 nr 4 p. 87-90.

Smolderen, A, Jimenez, E, Jadin, I, and Germonpré, M (2016).
Exhumation de la collection faunique dʼΈdouard Dupont provenant du Trou Magrite (Pont-à-Lesse). Quelles données et quelles perspectives pour une collection du XIXe siècle ?
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 36/2016 p. 167-190.

specified, Nn (2016).
Jeugdexcursie. De Lanhonry groeve van Lompret.
Spirifer. Belgische Vereniging voor Paleontologie, vol. Jaargang 40 Nr. 1/4 p. 21-24.

specified, Nn (2016).
Dr. John W.M. Jagt,de paleontoloog achter het NHMM (Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht)
Spirifer. Belgische Vereniging voor Paleontologie, vol. Jaargang 40 Nr. 1/4 p. 8-9.

Stassen, P and Steurbaut, E (2016).
Towards an improved holostratigraphy of the Ypresian Clays. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 153.

Stassen, P, Speijer, RP, Devleeschouwer, X, Abels, HA, King, C, Willems, W, and Steurbaut, E (2016).
Early Eocene climate changes in the North Sea Basin: a Belgian perspective. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 235.

Sterk, G, Boardman, J, and Verdoodt, A (2016).
LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, vol. 27 p. 1783–1787.

Stoops, G (2016).
Hacquaert, Armand (1906-1989). Laatst gewijzigd 02.12.2016.
Ugent Memorie, vol. p. 5 p.

Thys, G (2016).
Geopark Famenne - Ardenne. Mise en place d'une structure en faveur du patrimoine et de la géologie de la Calestienne.
Eco Karst, vol. 105 p. 15-16.

Triantafyllou, A and Watlet, A (2016).
GeoLog Toolkit 0.9: a new open source and cross-platform for geological data visualization in Google Earth environment. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 94.

Vachard, D and Pille, L (2016).
Le contenu paléontologique. Les microfossiles carbonatés. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 150-151.

Vachard, D, Dreesen, R, Marion, J, and Mottequin, B (2016).
New data on the incertae sedis biota and foraminifera of the mid-Famennian Baelen Member (Late Devonian,eastern Belgium)
Palaeobio Palaeoenv, vol. DOI 10.1007/s12549-016-0263-y p.

Van De Vent, TJM, Menkovic, A, and Westerhoff, WE (2016).
Mapping the marine Miocene sediments of the southern Netherland. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 193.

Van Haren, T, De Koninck, R, Broothaers, M, and De Groot, C (2016).
A voxel model for loess deposits in Flanders. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 74.

Van Heteren, S, Moses, C, and Van De Ven, T (2016).
Coastal erosion and accretion: translating incomplete data and information into vulnerability assessments. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 134.

Van Houdenhove, I (2016).
Speeddate: in 24 vragen naar hoofd en hart van Manuel Sintubin
K.U.Leuven Campuskrant, vol. Jaargang 28 nr. 05 (1 februari 2017) p. 19.

Van Noten, K (2016).
Visualizing (geological) cross-sections vertically in Google Earth. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 95.

Van Noten, K, Lecocq, T, Hinzen, K, and Camelbeek, T (2016).
Macroseismic analysis of online “Did You Feel” responses to ML > 3 earthquakes felt/heard in and around Belgium. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 182.

Van Ranst, E (2016).
Tavernier, René (1914-1992). Laatst gewijzigd 04.08.2016.é-1914-1992.
Ugent Memorie, vol. p. 6 p.

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