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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Mistiaen, B, Pinte, E, and Tourneur, F (2016).
Le contenu paléontologique. Les tabulés. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 142-143.

Mortier, J and Verniers, J (2016).
The evolution of the Upper Ordovician to Silurian basin in the Condroz Inlier: litho- and biostratigraphy with chitinozoans. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 159.

Mottequin, B (2016).
Le contenu paléontologique. Les gastéropodes et rostroconches. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 166-167.

Mottequin, B and Godefroid, J (2016).
Le contenu paléontologique. Les brachiopodes. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 154-155.

Nyhuis, CJ, Riley, D, and Kalasinska, A (2016).
Thin section petrography and chemostratigraphy: Integrated evaluation of an upper Mississippian mudstone dominated succession from the southern Netherlands
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 10.1017/njg.2015.25 p. 20 p.

Ogg, H, Willems, F, and Janssen, J (2016).
Een raadsel: Van Schaïk en de Grote berg.
Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg. SOK mededelingen, vol. 64 p. 22-31.

Olive, S, Clement, G, Denayer, J, Derycke, C, Dupret, V, Gerrienne, P, Gueriau, P, Marion, J, Mottequin, B, Pernegre, V, and Prestianni, C (2016).
A new Famennian (Upper Devonian) locality at Becco: geological and paleontological insights. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 82.

Papier, S, Baele, J, Debouge, W, De Jong, J, Mattielli, N, and Gillan, D (2016).
Iron isotope fractionation in a Modern iron-oxidizing bacterial mat. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 160.

Perdaen, Y, Cattrysse, A, Claeys, S, and Sandor, S (2016).
Landschappelijk,verkennend en waarderend archeologisch booronderzoek ter hoogte van de mesolithische vindplaats Sint-Kruis-Winkel-Spanjeveer (Gent,Oost-Vlaanderen,BE)
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 36/2016 p. 73-89.

Petitclerc, E, Maes, D, Buysse, J, and Verspecht, A (2016).
ALPI: impact of policy instruments on the development of the geothermal energy sector. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 98.

Petitclerc, E, Welkenhuysen, K, Piessens, K, and Maes, D (2016).
Impact of policy instruments on the development of the Belgian geothermal energy sector (ALPI)
European Geothermal Congress 2016,Strasbourg, vol. Paper 284 p. 9 pp.

Picavet, P, Reniere, S, Cnudde, V, De Clercq, W, Deru, X, Dreesen, R, Fronteau, G, Goemaere, E, and Hartoch, E (2016).
The “Arkose of Macquenoise”: a suitable Lochkovian raw material for ancient millstones: quarries,properties,manufacture and distribution (France-Belgium). 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress.Mons,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 265.

Piessens, K (2016).
The map of the Brabant Massif for off-shore Belgium. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 188.

Pirson, S, Abrams, G, Bonjean, DC, Damblon, F, Toussaint, M, and Di Modica, K (2016).
Deciphering sedimentary dynamics in cave entrances. Implications for archaeology and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 144.

Poelman, D (2016).
Dekeyser, Willy (1910-1993). Laatst gewijzigd 28.07.2016.
Ugent Memorie, vol. p. 4 p.

Poulain, A and Goderniaux, P (2016).
Study of groundwater-quarry interactions in the framework of energy storage systems. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 61.

Pujades, E, De Simone, S, Carrera, JV, and Jurado, A (2016).
Settlements around pumping wells: distribution,relation with the storage coefficient and role of surrounding layers. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 132.

Quinif, Y, Blockmans, S, and Verheyden, S (2016).
The underground sedimentary series of the upper gallery in cave of “Pont dʼArcole”,Hastière,Belgium. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 258.

Quinif, Y, Camelbeek, T, Knuts, E, and Verheyden, S (2016).
Endokarstic breakdown and earthquakes: The relation between the “dome” room collapse (Han-sur-Lesse cave) and the 1828 earthquakes in Belgium. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 283.

Remacle, L and Michel, G (2016).
Méan (Havelange): un chantoir qui … avance!
Eco Karst, vol. 106 p. 12-15.

Remacle, L and Michel, G (2016).
Le double chantoir de Xhoris à Ferrière. Un point de perte menaçant,à surveiller et à entretenir
Eco Karst, vol. 105 p. 11-14.

Ritsche, I, Fahlke, JM, and Hampe, O (2016).
Phylogenetic signal or functional analogy in cochlear shape of Mysticeti. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 243.

Ronchi, B, Drevet, J, Frippiat, C, and Veschkens, M (2016).
Risk assessment in an abandoned coal field: ten years of hydrological monitoring in Liège (Belgium). 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 133.

Rymenams, J (2016).
Steenhouwers,een lokaal verhaal? [Steenhouwerij Renier]. In: J. Danckers,E. Dehond,A-M. Havermans,J. Lehon,J. Rymenams,M. Van der Borght,red. Langs kerken,kerkhoven en orgels tussen Leuven en Averbode.
De Kroon op het Werk, vol. p. 172-174.

Sa\"ıag, J, Collin, P, Sizun, J, Lasseur, E, Faÿ-Gomord, O, and Caline, B (2016).
Heterogeneity of petrophysical properties in the chalk: depositional versus diagenetic origin. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 67.

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