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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Dubelaar, W (2016).
De stad en zijn stenen (1). Aachener Blaustein in bijna elke straat.
Natuursteen, vol. Nummer 1/2/2016 p. 14-17.

Dubois, A (2016).
Le karst de Dolembreux et de Hayen (Sprimont)
Eco Karst, vol. 106 p. 8-11.

Dubois, C, Goderniaux, P, Deceuster, J, Poulain, A, and Kaufmann, O (2016).
Hydrogeology of weathered limestones. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 124.

Dumont, M, Tafforeau, P, Bertin, T, Bhullar, B, Field, D, Schulp, A, Strilisky, B, Thivichon-Prince, B, Viriot, L, and Louchart, A (2016).
Synchrotron imaging of dentition provides insights into the biology of Hesperornis and Ichthyornis,the “last” toothed birds
BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol. 16 p. 178.

Dupont, N and Kaufmann, O (2016).
Reinterpretation of a Mons Basin geological cross-section based on ERT survey : the Hainin-Hautrage pumping station site. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 253.

Dupont, N and Kaufmann, O (2016).
Exploration of the geothermal reservoirs of Hainaut (Belgium) : preliminary results of the 2DMons2012 seismic survey. New deep structures revealed in the Brabant Parautochton. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mons,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 187.

Dupont, N, Pacyna, D, Mortier, T, and Baele, J (2016).
The Colfontaine wood : vestiges of multi-secular an multi-ressources extractive activities in the Mons Basin Geopark. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 261.

Dupont, N, Quinif, Y, Dubois, C, and Kaufmann, O (2016).
Speleogenesis by alterite erosion within ghost-rock features in the Ardenne Allochton (Sprimont syncline,East Belgium). 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 254.

Dusar, M, Walstra, J, and Declercq, P (2016).
Hakendover Goddelijke Zaligmakerkerk: Natuursteenbeschrijving binnen en buiten. Bijlage: voorstudie bodemstabiliteit door middel van radar-interferentie satellietmetingen. Voor Studiebureau Monumentenzorg
Belgische Geologische Dienst, vol. 42826 p. 46 p.

Fagel, N, Allan, M, Verheyden, S, and Crucifix, M (2016).
Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions from speleothem and peat bog archives. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 151.

Faÿ-Gomord, O, Soete, J, Katika, K, Galaup, S, Caline, B, Descamps, F, Lasseur, E, Fabticius, IL, Sa\"ıag, J, Swennen, R, and Vandycke, S (2016).
New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 65.

Fizaine, J, Harmand, D, and Ollive, V (2016).
Le minerai de Fer fort des plateaux du Bajocien des régions frontalières du Pays-Haut (France),de la Gaume (Belgique) et du Gutland (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)
Anthropologica et Praehistorica, vol. 126 p. 121-135.

Fons, J, Vasile, M, Loots, H, Bruggeman, M, Llaurado, M, and Verrezen, F (2016).
On the direct measurement of 226Ra and 228Ra using 3M Empore™ RAD disk by liquid scintillation spectrometry
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, vol. 309: DOI: 10.1007/s10967-016-4740-6 p.

Gibout, B and Hubert, BLM (2016).
Les minéraux givétiens. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 189-191.

Goemaere, E, Dreesen, R, Fronteau, G, Peroz, M, Dath, J, and Zarlenga, I (2016).
Geology and legends in the Ardenne(s) : another form of Geoheritage. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 262.

Gonze, N, Pinpin, G, and Baele, J (2016).
Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian SEDEX mineralization as a primary source for alluvial gold in the Rocroi Massif,Belgium. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 255.

Goolaerts, S and Gouwy, S (2016).
An extraordinary new site to study upper Frasnian cephalopods during the onset of anoxia in the Dinant basin. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 81.

Govaerts, J, Beerten, K, and Ten Veen, J (2016).
Numerical simulation of Weichselian permafrost depth in the Netherlands. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 125.

Groessens, E (2016).
Les marbres et pierres de taille de Givet. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 186-188.

Hart, M, Smart, C, and Jagt, J (2016).
Foraminifera and the sea grass communities of the Maastricht Chalk. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 68.

Hartoch, E, Dreesen, R, Gluhak, T, and Goemaere, E (2016).
“Where does your saddle quern come from?” Grinding in the contemporary province of Limburg (BE) during the Iron Age. In: Raw materials exploitation in Prehistory: sourcing,processing and distribution. 10-12.3.2016.
University of Algarve, vol. p. poster.

Hellemond, A and Spolspoel, M (2016).
Het Bos van Aa. Een kwartairgeologische en paleontologische reis naar de laatste ijstijd.
Spirifer. Belgische Vereniging voor Paleontologie, vol. Jaargang 40 Nr. 4/4 p. 2-9.

Herbosch, A (2016).
A new synthetic subcrop map of the Brabant Massif,SE area. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 256.

Heuclin, J (2016).
La marbrerie en Avesnois. Les techniques d'exploitation. In: D. Brice (coord.) Stratotype Givétien
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,Paris; Biotope,Mèze, vol. Collection patrimoine géologique 7 p. 192-203.

Houben, K and Hellemond, A (2016).
De Lanhonry groeve van Lompret. Een geologische en paleo-ecologische introductie.
Spirifer. Belgische Vereniging voor Paleontologie, vol. Jaargang 40 Nr. 1/4 p. 10-13.

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