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biblio nw 19000 - 19999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 1074 references in this bibliography folder.

Vis, G (2017).
Dolines in Zuid-Limburg
Geo.brief,Nieuwsbrief van KNGMG en NWO-ENW, vol. JG 42 nr 1,februari 2017 p. 9-11.

VLIZ (2017).
Uniek fossielenkerkhof ontdekt voor Belgische kust
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee VLIZ, vol. Persbericht 2017-08-17 p.

Warnant, G (2017).
Les enjeux liés au prix de l'eau
Eco Karst, vol. n° 108,juin 2017 p. 28-31.

Willems, L and Rodet, J (2017).
Karst and Underground Landscapes in the Cretaceous Chalk and Calcarenite of the Belgian-Dutch Border—The Montagne Saint-Pierre. In: A. Demoulin (ed.) Landscapes and Landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg.
World Geomorphological Landscapes series, vol. 10.1007/978-3-319-58239-9 p. 177-192.

Willems, P (2017).
Uitdagingen van de klimaatverandering voor het waterbeheer. Nood aan een robuust landschap en functionerende valleisystemen met het oog op klimaatbuffering en versterking van de biodiversiteit,Heverlee,18.2.2017
Natuurpunt Oost-Brabant, vol. presentatie p. 38 p.

Wouters, L and Poletto, FAPEAVN (2017).
P018. Detecting and characterizing carbonate concretions in clays by advanced seismic methods. In: The 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Davos, 24-27.9.2017
Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement., vol. Abstract Book p. 264-265.

Yans, J (2017).
Quel juste prix pour notre sous-sol?
La Libre Belgique, vol. 25/11/2017 p.

Yu, H, Chen, X, Li, Y, Gong, W, and Ma, Z (2017).
P137. Laboratory investigation of the undrained behavior of Boom Clay under loading - unloading paths. In: The 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Davos, 24-27.9.2017
Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement., vol. Abstract Book p. 490-491.

Zgłobicki, W, Poesen, J, Cohen, M, Del Monte, M, Garc\'ıa-Ruiz, JM, Ionita, I, Niacsu, L, Machová, Z, Mart\'ın-Duque, J, Nadal-Romero, E, Pica, A, Rey, F, Solé-Benet, A, Stankoviansky, M, Stolz, C, Torri, D, Soms, J, and Ver (2017).
The Potential of Permanent Gullies in Europe as Geomorphosites
Geoheritage, vol. 10.1007/s12371-017-0252-1 p. 23 p.

Adriaens, R, Van Baelen, H, Vandenberghe, N, and Wouters, L (2016).
Heterogeneities at Thin Section Scale in Ypresian and Rupelian Clay in the Belgian Subsurface
Fifth EAGE Shale Workshop, vol. 10.3997/2214-4609.201600402 p.

Allan, M, Verheyden, S, Le Roux, G, Javaux, EJ, Piotrowska, N, Mattielli, N, and Fagel, N (2016).
Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions from Belgian peatbog. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 285.

Antrop, M (2016).
Snacken, Frans (1920-2016). Laatst gewijzigd 15.11.2016.
Ugent Memorie, vol. p. 7 p.

Baele, J (2016).
La Malogne Underground Quarry - Field trip documets. Thursday January 28th 2016.5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. p. 5 p.

Baele, J, Goemaere, E, and Mortier, T (2016).
Firing effects on quartzite materials revealed by cathodoluminescence. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 90.

Baele, J, Papier, S, Spagna, P, and Tshibangu, J (2016).
Karst subsidence in the Iguanodon Sinkhole,Bernissart,Belgium. Evidence for active collapse processes during the Lower Cretaceous. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 251.

Baele, J, Quesnel, F, and Dupuis, C (2016).
Silcrete in northern France and Belgium: a terrestrial record of surface environments under the influence of pyroclastic ash-falls. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 40.

Baele, JM, Devleeschouwer, X, Dupont, N, Goderniaux, P, Hallet, V, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, and Verheyden, S (2016).
5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016. Conference Program. Abstract Book
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 296 p.

Becker, RT, Kaiser, SI, and Aretz, M (2016).
Review of chrono-,litho- and biostratigraphy across the global Hangenberg Crisis and Devonian –Carboniferous Boundary. Becker,R. T.,Ko¨nigshof,P. & Brett,C. E. (eds) Devonian Climate,Sea Level and Evolutionary Events.
Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. 423 p. 10.1144/SP423.10.

Beerten, K and Goeminne, N (2016).
De monitoring van de Neanderthalersite in Veldwezelt-Hezerwater (prov. Limburg,BE). Een samenwerking tussen de gemeente Lanaken en Monumentenwacht
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 36/2016 p. 23-28.

Beerten, K and Vanacker, V (2016).
Surface exposure dating of the Campine Plateau,NE Belgium: first results. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 148.

Beerten, K, Laloy, E, Vanacker, V, Rogiers, B, and Wouters, L (2016).
Constraining Quaternary erosion of the Campine Plateau (NE Belgium) using Bayesian inversion of an in-situ produced 10Be concentration depth profile.
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussion, vol. 30 p. 1-29.

Beerten, K, Leterme, B, Laloy, E, Gedeon, M, Rogiers, BV, and Jacques, D (2016).
Towards an innovative modelling framework to assess environmental change impact on the water cycle at the catchment scale. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 118.

Beerten, K, Vandenberghe, D, Burow, C, Vanacker, V, Verbeeck, K, Deforce, K, De Grave, J, and Wouters, L (2016).
Age constraints for the Pliocene Mol Sands as observed in the 2014 palaeoseismological trench near Mol (NE,Belgium): a combined ESR-OSL-CRN dating study. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mons,26-29.1.2016
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 190.

Bellezza, C, Poletto, F, Farina, B, Pinna, G, Poggiagliolmi, E, and Wouters, LAVN (2016).
Analysis of seismic diffractions from carbonate nodules in clay formations
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, vol. 10.1190/segam2016-13856553.1 p.

Bisconti, M, Lambert, O, and Bosselaers, M (2016).
New description and phylogenetic relationships of 'Balaena' belgica,a large right whale from the Pliocene of Belgium. 5th International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress. Mother Earth,Mons. University of Mons,Belgium,26-29 January 2016.
Geologica Belgica International Congress, vol. Abstract Book p. 155.

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