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biblio nw 16000 - 16999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 995 references in this bibliography folder.

Wolf, KAA, Barzandji, OH, Bruining, J, and Ephraim, R (2001).
CO2 injection in and CH4 production from coal seams: laboratory experiments and image analysis for simulations.
1st National Conference on Carbon Sequestration., vol. Proc. p. 13 p.

Wolf, KAA, Ephraim, R, Bertheux, W, and Bruining, J (2001).
Coal Cleat Classification and Permeability Estimation by Image Analysis on Cores and Drilling Cuttings
International Coal Bed Methane Symposium, vol. Paper 0102 p. 10 p.

Corteel, C (2000).
Boron-metasomatism in the Brabant Massif (Belgium)? Evidence from the Lower/Middle Devonian Burnot Formation. In: Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane / Holy Cross Mountains,Poland,Sept. 16-23,2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 13-14.

Debacker, TN (2000).
Using cleavage/fold relationships and sedimentary features to distinguish soft-sediment deformation from tectonic deformation in the Asquempont section,Anglo-Brabant fold belt. Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane,16-23.9.2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 19-20.

Debacker, TN (2000).
The Asquempont fault,southeastern Anglo-Brabant fold belt,Belgium. In: Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane / Holy Cross Mountains,Poland,Sept. 16-23,2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 18-19.

Gerdes, A, Pharaoh, T, Debacker, T, and Verniers, J (2000).
Nd-isotope systematics of early Palaeozoic sediments from the Brabant Massif. In: Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane / Holy Cross Mountains,Poland,Sept. 16-23,2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 23-24.

Herbosch, A, Delcambre, B, and Pingot, JL (2000).
New geological maps of the Caledonian basement from the Brabant Massif (Belgium). In: Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane / Holy Cross Mountains,Poland,Sept. 16-23,2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 35.

Kiden, P and Verbruggen, C (2000).
De evolutie van de Schelde na de laatste ijstijd. In: J. Bourgeois,Ph. Crombé,G. De Mulder,M. Rogge (red.) Het verhaal van een rivier. Een duik in het verleden. Schelde,Maas en Rijn in de pre- en protohistorie.
Davidsfonds, vol. p. 11-35.

Leloux, J (2000).
Hout uit Hoegaarden
personeelsblad Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, vol. juni 2000 p. 13-15.

Meijer, T and Preece, RC (2000).
A review of the occurrence of Corbicula in the Pleistocene of North-West Europe
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 79 (2/3) p. 241-255.

Muchez, P and Swennen, R (2000).
Reconstruction of fluid flow patterns in the Dinantian carbonates south of the Brabant Massif. Excursion April 28,2000
Geologica Belgica documents, vol. p. 34 p.

Patyn, J (2000).
Hydrogeologische studie grondwaterwinning Steverlynck N.V. - Vichte Beukenhof
VITO, vol. 1999/DIA/R/214 p. 33 p. + ann.

Speleers, B (2000).
The relevance of the Eemian for the study of the Palaeolithic occupation of Europe
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 79 (2/3) p. 283-291.

Turner, C (2000).
The Eemian interglacial in the North European plain and adjacent areas
Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 79 (2/3) p. 217-231.

Verniers, J, Herbosch, A, Vanguestaine, M, Geukens, F, Delcambre, B, Pingot, JL, Belanger, I, Hennebert, M, Debacker, T, Sintubin, M, and De Vos, W (2000).
The lower Palaeozoic formations of Belgium. In: Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane / Holy Cross Mountains,Poland,Sept. 16-23,2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 87.

Verniers, J, Pharaoh, T, André, L, Debacker, T, De Vos, W, Everaerts, M, Herbosch, A, Samuelsson, J, Sintubin, M, and Vecoli, M (2000).
Lower Palaeozoic basin development and collision history of eastern and far eastern Avalonia. In: Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ) and PACE Projects,Zakopane / Holy Cross Mountains,Poland,Sept. 16-23,2000
Institute of Geophysics,Polish Geological Institute & Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers, vol. Abstracts volume p. 88.

Boulvain, F, Belanger, I, Delsate, D, Ghysel, P, Godefroit, P, Laloux, M, Roche, M, and Thorez, J (1999).
Nouvelles données sur le Trias - Lias de la Lorraine belge. Excursion du 25 septembre 1999.
Geologica Belgica documents, vol. p.

Brinkhuis, H and Schioler, P (1999).
Dinoflagellate cysts and the Maastrichtian type area. In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 14.

G., CJ and P., B (1999).
The protection of the new reference section of the Frasnian / Famennian boundary at Senzeille (Dinant basin,Belgium)
Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. D'It., vol. LIV p. 79-82.

Herngreen, GFW (1999).
Maastrichtian or Maestrichtian? In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 34-36.

Houtrelle, S (1999).
Stockage de gaz naturel en mine de charbon abandonnée. Approche géologique du site d'Anderlues.
thesis FPMS Service de géologie fondamentale et appliquée (travail de fin d'études), vol. p. 52 p. + ann.

Jagt, JWM, Dortangs, RW, Felder, WM, and Meessen, JPMT (1999).
The Lower/Upper Maastrichtian boundary at the ENCI-Maastricht bv quarry (Maastricht,the Netherlands). In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 39.

Keijers, F (1999).
Steengoed Maaseik
Stad Maaseik,Dienst voor Toerisme, vol. p. 45 p.

Lethiers, F and Casier, J (1999).
Autopsie d'une extinction biologique. Un exemple: la crise de la limite Frasnien - Famennien (364 Ma).
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris. Série II. Sciences de la terre et des planètes, vol. 329 p. 303-315.

Machalski, M and Jagt, JWM (1999).
The last ammonites: biases and limitations and how to overcome (some of) these. In: Schulp,A.S.,Jagt,J.W.M. & de Graaf,D.Th.,eds. The 150th anniversary of the Maastrichtian stage: a celebratory conference
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, vol. p. 15-16.

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