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biblio nw 16000 - 16999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 995 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Dijck, L (2006).
De restauratie van de stucwerkaltaren in de Sint-Jan-Baptistkerk in Averbode.
Monumenten & Landschappen (Monumenten,Landschappen & Archeologie), vol. 25/6 p. 68-78.

Dreesen, R and Ruyloft, G (2005).
De Mergel van Gelinden: een geologisch curiosum én paleontologische schatkamer van wereldformaat. Red. M. Dusar & R. Dreesen,Geologica Belgica,Alden Biesen (BE),20-21.5.2005
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 27-32.

F. Tourneur, F (2005).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. La pierre dans le jardin ou l'heureuse union du végétal et du minéral…
Architrave, vol. 154 p. 42.

Lundershausen, S, Oesterreich, B, Ribbert, K, and Wrede, V (2005).
Geothermal well "RWTH-1",Aachen - Technical aspects and first geological results. Red. M. Dusar & R. Dreesen,Geologica Belgica,Alden Biesen (BE),20-21.5.2005
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 12-13.

Poffijn, A and Mannaerts, K (2005).
Le Radon et les constructions neuves
Architrave, vol. 154 p. 23-24.

specified, Nn (2005).
Radon,de lʼenvironnement à lʼhomme
Architrave, vol. 153 p. 18-20.

Tourneur, F (2005).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. La Wallonie,terre de marbres...
Architrave, vol. 153 p. 40.

Trautwein, U and Kukla, PA (2005).
Aachen Geothermal well "RWTH-1" - The geoscientific research program. Red. M. Dusar & R. Dreesen,Geologica Belgica,Alden Biesen (BE),20-21.5.2005
Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, vol. p. 18.

Vanhoorne, R (2005).
A micro- and macrobotanical study of two Middle-Weichselian,fluviatile deposits in the loam area of Middle Belgium
Belgian Journal of Botany, vol. 138 (1) p. 57-66.

Bertheux, WB (2004).
Enhanced Coalbed Methane Production by Carbon dioxide injection in water saturated coal; Experiments,Image Analysis and Simulations
TU-Delft thesis (afstudeerproject) Faculty of Applied Earth Sciences, vol. Final thesis nr. 2000.1 p. 112 p.

Boulvain, F (2004).
Lorraine belge. Dynamique sédimentaire et paléoenvironnements du Trias et Lias. 19 juin 2004
Université de Liège,Unité de Pétrologie sédimentaire & Beroepsvereniging Leuvense Geologen,KU Leuven, vol. p. 16 p.

Casier, J, Mamet, B, Préat, A, and Sandberg, CA (2004).
Sedimentology,conodonts and ostracods of the Devonian - Carboniferous strata of the Anseremme railway bridge section,Dinant Basin,Belgium
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Sciences de la Terre, vol. 74 p. 45-68.

Christensen, NP and Holloway, S (2004).
Assessing European potential for geological storage of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion. European Union Fifth Framework Programme for Research & Development Project N°ENK6-CT-1999-00010
GESTCO - Geological Storage of CO2 from Fossil Fuel Combustion, vol. Summary Report. Second Edition p. 32 p.

Dreesen, R (2004).
Relicten uit de ijstijd in de Mombeekvallei
LIKONA Werkgroep Geologie, vol. p. 9 p.

Hoes, H and Gysen, B (2004).
De warmtegeleidbaarheid van de Vlaamse ondiepe ondergrond. Meetcampagne uitgevoerd in het kader van ESIS
VITO, vol. p. 34 p.

Jan, W and Els (2004).
Speuren naar ijzererts
Grondboor en Hamer, vol. Jg 2004 3/4 p. 88-94.

Lacroix, G, Ruddick, K, Ozer, J, and Lancelot, C (2004).
Modeling the impact of the Scheldt and Rhine-Meuse plumes on the salinity distribution in Belgian waters (Southern North Sea)
Journal of Sea Research, vol. 52 p. 149-163.

Menning, M (2004).
Devonian - Carboniferous - Permian Correlation Chart 2003 (DCP2003. Poster 32 - IGC,Florenz 24,08,04)
International Geological Congress (Congrès géologique international, vol. IGC0409 p. 5 p.

Pacyna, D (2004).
Effondrements de terrains causés par dʼanciennes exploitations souterraines de marne et phosphate
Architrave, vol. 151 p. 10-12.

Rypens, J, Sintubin, M, and Dusar, M (2004).
Geometry and kinematics of the southwestern border fault system of the Roer Valley Graben (NE Belgium).
Geological Survey of Belgium RBINS and Structural Geology & Tectonics group KU Leuven, vol. p. 86 p.

specified, Nn (2004).
Techniques de restauration des pierres
Architrave, vol. 152 p. 16-21.

specified, Nn (2004).
Chronique d'un effondrement
Architrave, vol. 151 p. 14-15.

Tourneur, F (2004).
L'Asie à nos portes...
Architrave, vol. 152 p. 10-11.

Van Lancker, V,S, Bellec, V, Le Bot, S, Verfaillie, E, Fettweis, M, Van Den Eynde, D, Francken, F, Pison, V, Wartel, S, Monbaliu, J, Portilla, J, Lanckneus, J, Moerkerke, G, and Degraer, S (2004).
Management,research and budgeting of aggregates in shelf seas related to end-users (Marebasse)
Belgian Science Policy, vol. Scientific Report Year 2 p. 144 p.

Vancampenhout, P (2004).
Opmaak Isohypsenkaarten van het Tertiair in Vlaanderen – Eindrapport.
Service géologique de Belgique / Belgische Geologische Dienst, vol. p. 121 p.

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