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biblio nw 16000 - 16999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 995 references in this bibliography folder.

Timmermans, M (2013).
Verslag excursie Nederland van vrijdag 13 september tem zondag 15 september 2013
LIKONA Werkgroep Geologie, vol. p. 5 p.

Tourneur, F (2013).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. Les pierres belges en crise,un éternel recommencement?
Architrave, vol. 175 p. 54.

Tourneur, F (2013).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. Marquage et qualité des pierres naturelles
Architrave, vol. 176 p. 32.

Tourneur, F (2013).
Le Cahier de la Pierre. D'Asie ou d'ailleurs,pierres étrangères sous nos frimas
Architrave, vol. 178 p. 44.

Van Campenhout, E (2013).
Inventarisatie van de inzet en het potentieel van uitgegraven bodem als alternatief ter vervanging van primaire delfstoffen (in opdracht van departement LNE - ALBON dienst natuurlijke rijkdommen)
Grondwijzer vzw, vol. p. 38 p.

Van Den Ende, E (2013).
De comeback van de kassei. Belgische straatsteen opnieuw wereldwijd in trek.
EOS maandblad over wetenschap, vol. MEMO geschiedenis,9 - maaart 2013 p. 75-78.

Van Neer, W, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Bastiaens, J, Deforce, K, Thieren, E, Sergant, J, and Crombé, P (2013).
Hunting,gathering,fishing and herding: animal exploitation in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) during the second half of the 5th millennium BC.
Environmental Archaeology, vol. 18 p. 87-101.

Van Noten, K, Lecocq, T, Vleminckx, B, and Camelbeeck, T (2013).
Macroseismic investigation of the 2008-2010 low magnitude seismic swarm in the Brabant Massif,Belgium. The link between macroseismic intensity and geomorphology
Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 15 p. EGU2013-4923.

Van Ruymbeke, M, Zhu, P, and Meuse, P (2013).
Strainmeters observations at the Rochefort karstic underground laboratory
Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, vol. JLG97\_2013 p. 32.

Vancampenhout, K, Langohr, R, Slaets, J, Buurman, P, Swennen, R, and Deckers, J (2013).
Palaeo-pedological record of the Rocourt Pedosequence at Veldwezelt-Hezerwater (Belgian Pleistocene loess belt): part 2 - soil formation
Catena, vol. 110 p. 8-23.

Vancampenhout, K, Langohr, R, Slaets, J, Buurman, P, Swennen, R, and Deckers, J (2013).
Palaeo-pedological record of the Rocourt Pedosequence at Veldwezelt-Hezerwater (Belgian Pleistocene loess belt): part 1 - evolution of the parent material
Catena, vol. 107 p. 118-129.

Vandenberghe, N and Mertens, J (2013).
Differentiating between tectonic and eustatic signals in the Rupelian Boom Clay cycles (Lower Oligocene,Southern North Sea Basin)
Newsletters on Stratigraphy, vol. 46/3 p. 319-337.

Vanherle, W (2013).
Fotoplaten horend bij W. Vanherle,2013,Carrière du Cimetière te Boussu-en-Fagne (Couvin). Deel 2 (supplementair online lateriaal,
HONA, vol. 48-2 p. 65 pl.

Verheyden, S, Bogemans, F, Backeljau, T, and Baeteman, C (2013).
Lithostratigraphic and geochemical study of coastal deposits in Belgium. Implications for the age of the deposits and for bivalve-speleothem compared environmental reconstruction
Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 15 p. EGU2013-2853-1.

Verheyden, S, Genty, D, and Wainer, K (2013).
The penultimate deglaciation and the Last Interglacial as registered in speleothems
Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 15 p. EGU2013- 2835-1.

Yu, L, Rogiers, B, Gedeon, M, Marivoet, J, Craen, MD, and Mallants, D (2013).
A critical review of laboratory and in-situ hydraulic conductivity measurements for the Boom Clay in Belgium.
Applied Clay Science, vol. 75-76 p. 1–12.

Zhu, P, Van Ruymbeke, M, Meeus, P, and Cadicheanu, N (2013).
Hydrological,tectonic and tidal strain forces measured using extensometers in the karstic cave of Rochefort (Belgium). In: 17th International Symposium on Earth Tides 'Understand the Earth'. 15-19 April 2013. Warsaw,Poland
International Symposium on Earth Tides, vol. 17 p. Book of Abstract.

Allingron, R (2012).
The quarry design process as an essential framework for sustainable planning and operation of aggregates quarries. In: Which quarry for tomorrow? Partnership between the raw mineral industries and the scientific research. 22-23/03/2012,RBINS
Geologica Belgica symposium, vol. Conference programme and abstracts p.

Azmy, K, Poty, E, and Mottequin, B (2012).
Biochemostratigraphy of the Upper Frasnian in the Namur–Dinant Basin,Belgium: Implications for a global Frasnian–Famennian pre-event
Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, vol. 313-314 p. 93-106.

Beerten, K, Deforce, K, and mallants, D (2012).
Landscape evolution and changes in soil hydraulic properties at the decadal,centennial and millennial scale: a case study from the Campine area,northern Belgium
Catena, vol. 95 p. 73-84.

Belboom, S, Renzoni, R, Tourneur, F, and Léonard, A (2012).
Environmental product declarations of mineral paving,a tool for sustainable product choices. In: Goemaere,Yans,Elsen,dir. Which quarry for tomorrow? Partnership between the raw mineral industries and the scientific research. 22-23/03/2012,RBINS
Geologica Belgica symposium, vol. Conference programme and abstracts p.

De Caritat, P and Reimann, C (2012).
Comparing results from two continental geochemical surveys to world soil composition and deriving Predicted Empirical Global Soil (PEGS2) reference values
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 319-320 p. 269-276.

De Clercq, H, Fontaine, L, Godts, S, Hayen, R, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2012).
Investigation of the degradation phenomena of the Luxembourg sandstone in the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Belgium). Columbia University,New York,22-26 Oct 2012
International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, vol. 12 p. 9 p.

De Clercq, H, Hayen, R, Cnudde, V, Boone, M, and Dusar, M (2012).
Damage assessment of ferruginous sandstone X¬ray tomography the “Virgin tower” of Zichem (Belgium). Columbia University,New York,22-26 Oct 2012
International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, vol. 12 p. 10 p.

De Kock, T, Boone, M, Dewanckele, J, De Boever, W, Vandevoorde, D, Boone, M, De Schutter, G, Lehmann, E, Jacobs, P, and Cnudde, V (2012).
International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, vol. 12 p. 11 p.

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